My guess is the Generals immediately arrest and/or top all the top Nazis. With no military experience, Himmler and Goebbels will be dead men within moments, a necessary step to keep the Gestapo and SS under control.
In June 1942 the Germans have the appearance of a position of strength, with strong holdings in North Africa and thr USSR, and with Mussolini, Romania and Finland still on side. The US has just won at Midway and much of their focus will be in the Pacific, and Germany should realize that Japan is going to lose. So, the German general staff quickly kills the top Nazis and assumes power. Here's what I would do…
Call up Churchill and FDR and tell them Hitler and the Nazis are toast and that the Generals have taken over and wish to end the war. Simultaneously, declare and execute an immediate and unilateral withdrawal from France, Norway and the Low Countries. Signing neutrality agreements with each on the way out. Bring home all the U-Boats, arrest Donitz if he resists. Leave the forces in North Africa (there's no way to bring them home anyway) but have them take no further offensive action. In Europe, move all forces to the USSR but take no offensive action. Then, from a position of strength, suggest terms with Stalin. If played well, FDR will be pushing both Churchill and Stalin to accept, at the threat of ending lend lease and financing. The big winner is Mussolini, who can escape his execution.