P-39 Aircobra with Italian Cobelligerant roundels - Special Hobby kit in 1:32

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Tech Sergeant
Dec 16, 2009
Milan, Italy
I think that there is some madness in myself, because I started a third project while the first, the Arado and the second, the Albatros ane stil under completion.

One excuse could be that, due to the bad winter weather, it's difficult to have good sunny days to stay outside to paint.

By the way, I will try to do a good replica of this bird:

Still due to the long afternoon spent in house, I decided to take advantage of those CMK detailing kits to add more life to my project.

First I had to do some "plastic surgery", see here:

Then I started assembling and painting the Allison engine:

Then front compartment:

and the pilot office:

Of course I had to add some ballast:

Some more will follow asap.

Foot note.
Question for the moderators: Is it reasonable to think that this build could be listed in the Group Build called MTO? If yes, which ones are the rules?
Many thanks
It should fit the current GB#24. I hope you don't mean the old #3 MTO/North Africa GB. All rules you can find in the Group Builds - Official section. However I would suggest starting over of the thread there. Each the first post of a thread must be a short as possible with proper data. Pictures of sprues, etc... have to be uploaded to the second post there. It is because the GB threads display the first post at the top of each page of the thread in order to keep knowing what is the thread about. Well, it is not nice to watch the same, eleven posted pictures as the beginning of each page and scrolling down to see other posts.
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Hi, many thanks for your answer.
I found and printed those rules, I will read them carefully.
probably I will restart my thread inside the GB 24.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody!
Eventually I decided to start a new thread under GB 24 - Mediterranean Theatre of Operations so I think that one moderator should cancel this thread.
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