Paint Racks?

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 31, 2012
Austin, TX
Hey, All,
Well, last night was an evening of some minor frustration. I was doing some practice with my air brushes and constantly reaching for different paints. The frustration came with finding the shade I was looking for. My over the desk shelf is getting rather cluttered with loose paints. I do try to keep then organized to some extent, but in the frenzy of painting, I am not the best at placing things back in the right place.
I stepped back and thought to myself "Self, you know it would be really nice to have a wire rack like I see at the hobby store to organize these bloody small tins and bottles". Which brings me to my question:
Does anyone make a wire rack organizer for Model Master / Humbrol that are not as deep as I what we see at our LHS's? Something that is maybe 2-3 bottles deep? That would be so damned nice, something that will let me organize by country and make things stackable. Or, do I need to get out my hand tools and some lumber?
Thanks in advance,
I agree. If wire racks are available to retail they will be expensive, and probably not what you're looking for. I used to use a fishing tackle/artist's case, which had cantilever trays (like a tool box) with separate 'slots', ideal for Humbrol tinlets. I recently got a hold of an old needlework chest, which is even better. (shown below).
However, if I had a proper, dedicated work bench, rather than sharing my computer desk (former kitchen table), I would make angled racks, using thin plywood to make a long, shallow box, with separators to create the racks.


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Hey, All,
Crimea, if you could post those pics, I would appreciate it. If I was in a house with a garage (used to woodwork) I would have just made what I am looking for. Unfortunately, I am in an apartment with no 220V for my table saw. I do have a garage, but the 944 Turbo is up on stands right in the middle of it. So, an "off the shelf" solution works best for me if at all possible.
I did find something on ebay from Oz that may work. A tad more than I wanted to spend, but less than the Container Store. Does anyone here have any experience with this:
Paint Bottle Rack Wall Climber Modular Organizer for Vallejo Paint 54 Pots | eBay

My building area is an old desk unit with a hutch. I use the shelf in the hutch to keep my paints and it appears that this would fit nicely. However, I may need two of them by the time I am done. I need to understand is Vallejo paint bottles are sized a little larger than Model Master bottle and Humbrol tins. I only have a few Humbrol tins and a bunch of Model Master and a few older PollyScales.

Any feedback on the unit shown in the link would be MUCH appreciated.
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I am going to stop into The Container store on the way home tonight. I have a love/hate thing with them. Love some of the stuff I find in there, hate the prices on some items. But, I did check the online catalog, and there maybe something that will work for me. Need to get it my hands and see. Thanks for the post and the pic.
I paid a buck for my paint organizer thing, I'll post pics tomorrow honestly once your painting, you just pick out the paints and then organize them after your done. I've had many paint messes if I put them back imediatley if the paint smudges on the side of the paint container.

Check your local Dollar Store, or whatever the equivalent in your neighborhood is, we have like 10 "dollar" store types here in my town and only 2 are good
I made mine out of 2x4s formed as steps with some scraps of plywood held together with drywall screws. It could be made with all hand tools although I used a chop saw. Everything is right where you can see it and get at it. Only downside is it weighs a ton, but then I never move it.


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I was going to ask about the boneyard too! Is that a Viscount sticking out there, or maybe a Convair? My mate Mick would probably kill for that if it's a Viscount!
Well, Glenn's got me beat! Anyway, here's my set-up. The shelves are made with a strip of SPF cut to 3/4 x 1-9/16 and screwed from the back of the pegboard. The fences are masonite nailed to the strips. In hindsight, there's not enough space for my needs and I could have made more shelves spaced closer together.

I prefer to trust to the gods of modeling that the correct color or tool will leap into my hand just when I need it!
As Bill observed of my organizational skills, "A place for everything, and everything all over the place!"
And my mantra, "A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind!"

Jaysus Glenn, That is awesome. Is that the boneyard just above the stand.


I was going to ask about the boneyard too! Is that a Viscount sticking out there, or maybe a Convair? My mate Mick would probably kill for that if it's a!
That's the boneyard all right, and a lot more out of frame. Bit's of old models and ones I hope to finish some day. That's not a Viscount Terry but a Marquette Boeing 307 I hope to finish some day. A very rough limited run injected fuselage mated to included B-17 wings and tail from the old Frog B-17E kit. the picture and the one below were taken a wile back when my bench was much cleaner. It looks more like Paul's now.....No that's an insult to Paul.. I wish it was as neat as Paul's now.

Terry tell Mick that Glenco makes a 1/96 Viscount that can be had on eBay for $15-$20 and I saw a 1/72 from Mach 2 also, but that one was $65


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Tbolt, Crimea River,
You guys ROCK!!!! And you just saved me a ton of money as well. I think I can make what I am looking for based on the motivation you 2 provided. Man, thanks guys! I appreciate it. Once I have it figured out, plans drawn, and built up, I'll post some pics.

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