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Great work.

About the scanned book pages. One must assume that all the Cat's bombs had delayed fuses if they were dropped "at mast level". I didn't realize they fuzed them all in such a manner. That seems a little strange to me. Also, with only a maximum of two .50s in the nose how the hell did they "sink" ships/barges/etc that had a displacement of thousands of tons? Hmmmm...
Like this: Lahodney's guns. Four fixed .50-caliber machine guns bolted to the keel proved lethal to enemy barges and other vessels.


Or like this: Black Cat crews were frequently experimenting with new weapons setups, trying to find the best way to do the maximum amount of damage. The unusual field installation shown below is a pair of fixed 20mm cannons mounted in the bow of a PBY-5A, during April of 1944. (Dave Lucabaugh)
Note removal of the two 30cal. machine guns from the eyeball turret above.


thanks all of you fellas for your replies I am always honored by them y our a great bunch of guys. As to the build still going strong I(f everything goes well to plan I should have the intire fuselage completed along with installation of the tail featrhers. Then i will have thye painting all done this evening and lastly I will get started on the large vulture like wings. Here is the update on the tail feathers I just shot on a coat of gray primer and I am now apply a little filler to fill in the imperfections. Here is the update for the now stay tunes a big improvement this evening.



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Thanks fellas for your replies they are wonderfull, As for gthe update for the night i assumed at the time I will have the fuselage all painted out and ready for the wings, But I got ahead of myself the tail section has been asembled nad installed to the tail empanage, tomorrow for certain i will start on the final paint schedule. I am letting the tail unit dry over night I filled in the seams with filler and letting it dry over night. tomorrow morning I will sand her down and prime and fill and prime until blemished free, then i will start on the paint schedule this is where the real fun will begin. Here is the update for the night thanks fellas.



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I agree with all - and going to be a mighty impressive model when done !

Ahoy Terry
Thank you Dear Sir for your reply as quoted in reply of T Bolt The Catalina is takiing form this week you will see great progress, Thanks for your reply Terry.


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