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Ahoy Lucky13
Looking good my man with all the kits you have of the Dumbo and the Cd your ready for the modlers bench you have a lot great reference material handy as well. Hopeing you will start construction any time soon, thank you for your reply I am honored.

Thank you Wayne, AK4 and Hugh for your replies I am honored fellas, Here is the update for now I should have a couple more this evening I will; have the entire undercarriage assemblies completed. Instead of using the kit's undercarriage which lacks a lot of detail they made it as simple as pie, but for me that's not good enough, Thanks to Terry for the undercarriage walk around it filled the bill for me Thank You Terry your the best Dear Sir. After I completed the undercarriage assemblies I will turn too on the tail feathers. I made all of the undercarriage details from rolled paper tubing and cardstock. The starboard side is complete and ready for primer paint. Next I will construct the Port side exactly like the starboard side. Here is the update.



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going slow but getting there, just completed the port undercarriage assembly, now its time for the nose wheel assembly and the tail feathers are next. Now I will prime coat the undercarriage assembly. Next update I will have the nose wheel done.



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Yes...we must keep the War Dept. happy !!! " I hope you don't think your going to spend all summer hiding in the basement " is one phrase that comes to mind !
Awesome work on the Cat, love the work on the landing gear, nicely done !
Really lookin' good, Boats.... Assuming you were a BM in the Navy, or maybe a first mate on a cargo/tanker type, it's good to have a fellow balsa/tissue builder around. That Cat is looking smart.... Bravo Zulu !

Thanks fellas for all of your replies a host of friends indeed, The build still going strong tonight if the good lord is willing and the rivers dont rise I will start on the tail feathers. Okay back to the build, I opened up the bottom fuselage where4 the nose wheel is located I boxed in the wheel well compartment and made the nose wheel from paper tubeing and brass, Inside the wheel well bay I detailed same then finally installed the nose wheel assembly I pre rolled a paper tobe and glued it into thye forward wheel well and glued down the brass tube into it I added the nose wheel doors Next I will sand down the fuselage and give it the final prime coat and turn to on the tail feathers.



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Thanks Terry,tony Lucky and wurger I thank you from the bottom of my keel to the foretop, I am honored Lucky 13 that is some great footage and info on the black cats they sunk a lot of tonnage left the Japs with there Dojo,s down. After the black cats sunk most of their fleet it made it easy for us. Okay here is the update will have more this evening. I started on the tail feathers I should have them completed by this evening. Here on the update I have completed the rudder assembly with the exception of the skins on the fron rudder fin and the rear rudder will be covered with cardstock. Here is the update fellas old boats is makeing head way now.



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