Pet pics

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He is trying to say "Its Life" not that it was alive.

I tried to find a picture of my Python eating, but I think they are all on my lap top and not my PC.

Pisis said:
btw, what kind of snake is that. i'd say it's a Horned Viper but I'm not very good at snakes...

It looks like a small Gaboon Viper.
I think the way some people eat is sick. A snake eating is actually more easy to watch then most people (who dont have manners), cats or dogs. Atleast it does not make wiered sick mummppfing sounds like a cat does.
Whatever. I didn't mean that on snakes, I meant that generally.
I think snakes are very interesting creatures (as all animals) but I don't need to see them eating.
Well here are some new pics of my cat and snake. My snake Pandora just got fed last night again so they are pics of her feeding.


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Hehe, great shit.... Heres two of my favorite snake pics....

In my "travels", I have run across many many reptiles and snakes.... U learn rather quickly to respect ALL snakes in the field... Failure to do so could mean loss of a limb or death....


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The upper picture looks like a Ball Python which is what I have.

When I get to Alaska I am building a Snake Room in my house and in it I am going to have the Ball Python that I have and then I want to get another Burmese Python, a Columbian Red Tail Boa, Green Tree Boa, Rainbow Boa and whatever snakes I wish to have. I used to have a Burmese and a Columbian Red Tail but because of my wife I went with just a Ball Python right now because at 5ft they do not get that big, and she was skeptical about snakes at first with no real experience with them, but now she rather likes them and finds them interesting to watch.

Pandora though (that is the snake I have now) is the best one that I have ever had. She was a bitch at first, but now is very docile and very friendly.
Here's a picture of my brother's girlfriends pet Hamster ... perfect Boa meat ... I took the picture, and I think it's pretty damn good! Even if done with a phone


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