Pete resting on the beach..(wip 1)

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Airman 1st Class
Apr 17, 2010
Ohayo gozaimasu gentlemen!
My next project is going to be the beautiful IJNAF Mitsubishi F1M2 Reikan codenamed 'Pete' by the Americans.
The kit is the 1/48 Hasegawa one and the dio will show a relaxation scene in Satawan Atoll, Mortlock islands in early July 1943..

Another close up pic of the Pete I'm going to build..

I made some minor improvements in the tiny cockpit and I am about to put the two re-riveted fuselage halves together..

I'll be back soon, I promise!
Phenomenal. You've posted work before here, right? If I recall correctly your last build was equally a beauty with scratch built palm trees showing a downed Zeke?
Hello gentlemen!

My project keeps on going on almost daily basis..Ideas come and go but still the concept remains the same..

More details and photos you can see here: WildEagles


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