Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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If you're gonna compare sizes, you could always compare amount of bombs dropped by each type....Lancaster could carry the heaviest load (22.000 lbs) with the B-29 later reaching 20.000 lbs. etc., etc...


U.S. cruisers firing on Japanese ships during the Battle of Surigao Strait, 25 October 1944. The photo was taken from USS Columbia (CL-56), which was the last in a line of the following cruisers: USS Louisville (CA-28.), USS Portland (CA-33), USS Minneapolis (CA-36), USS Denver (CL-58.), and Columbia.
I have always pitted the Lanc's bomb load against the B-17 and B-24.

Then there's the fantastic Mossie, they should have stopped making all four engined bombers in the UK and only built the Mosquito, just think of the lower aircraft/crew losses and greater amount of bombs on target............ but then the greenies would have been up-in-arms about the loss of trees

Just a lovely aircraft!

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