Pictures of Bavaria and other parts of Southern Germany.

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Cool. Looking forward to the shots!

Salzburg, Berchtesgarden, jeez, the only place I've been in the last month was State College, Pa. Not quite in the same range. Flew up with Wife and Daughter. On the way back, the sun set. Just a little sliver of afterglow on the horizon (technically not sunset) when we went final. Landed, pulled off the runway and said to my Wife, "That's the first landing I've made after sunset in 20 years- pretty good, huh?".

That was the point she started shaking.

Looking forward to the pics Adler, always love your shots of Southern Germany. Makes me want to go there every time.
I'm definitely looking forward to see your shots.
i went to visit Austria and the berchtesgadener area with my ex-boyfriend in 2002, so I'm very much looking forward to be seeing your shots from the area.
I'd love to go back and go totally photo-mad, though, as Austria is pretty hard not to get some great shots of.
I sure hope you and the missus had a good trip, Salzburg is a wonderful city (- even more so if you "forget" to shop those bastant chocolate things...Mozartkugeln...phew... )
Königssee and St. Bartholomä is marvelious in the summer, I can't yet imagine what the area must be like in the winter, but I bet you'll show us all pretty soon.
Btw, now that Königssee is mentioned - did the trumpeter play at the echo spot at the lake on your boatride, too?
And did you go to see the little lake - Obersee - at the other end of Königssee, too? Beautiful, that!
Dang, too bad you won't be able to go to the Eagle's Nest, I was waiting for shots of that place. Though I'm looking forward to your shots of the countryside, Adler!

Beautiful pic, BTW.

Dang, too bad you won't be able to go to the Eagle's Nest, I was waiting for shots of that place. Though I'm looking forward to your shots of the countryside, Adler!

Beautiful pic, BTW.


I do have pics of the Eagles Nest, but they are not digital. I took them about 15 years ago though. I will see if I can find them, and as soon as I get a new scanner (my scanner sort of decided to die on me for some reason) I will post them for you.

Here is a pic of the Eagles Nest taken from below that I took last weekend. This was taken at the site of Platerhof in Obersalzburg. It is the highest point that you can travel up before the road closes to the Eagles Nest.

cool bud ! Watzmann looks impressive as always and the ridge line, of course the little berg sits under and is within some pretty wild country
Love the shots Adler.

What time of day did you take them? They seem somewhat dark, low light. Is that the shading or the setting in the camera?
Okay these don't really belong in the thread because they are not really about the country side but I will put them in here anyhow. Here are some pics of Obersalzburg bunker system from WW2. This is the mountain that the Eagles Nest is located on at the peak.

The whole mountain area of the Obersalzburg was taken over by the Nazis in the 1930s (the land was literally taken away from the people) and used as a retreat for the Nazi leadership. This is also why the Eagles Nest was built here. Located at this location alone were the following buildings:

* Berghof (Hitler's private home)
* Gastehaus Höher Göll
* Gutshof
* SS Kaserne, Barracks
* Gartnerei/green house
* Kehlsteinhaus ("Eagle's Nest")
* Pension Moritz
* Platterhof/later General Walker Hotel
* Mooslahnerkopf Teehaus
* Hotel zum Türken/RSD, Sicherheitsdienst, Security Service
* Kampfhausl/Hitler dictates part two of Mein kampf
* Gutshof/Today SkyTop Lodge, Golf course restaurant/pro shop
* The houses of Martin Bormann, Hermann Göring and Albert Speer
* Bormann's Braunhaus/Dokumentationszentrum Obersalzberg

The only buildings that remain today are the Eagles Nest (Kehlstein Hause), Albert Speers house, one of Göring's houses (the main residence was destroyed and a Continental hotel is now on the site), Hotel zum Türken, and parts of the Platterhof.

The Platterhof was later turned into an American Armed Forces Recreation Area Hotel called The General Walker Hotel until it was mostly torn down in 1995. I was fortunate enough to have spent many nights up at the The General Walker Hotel back in the early 90s.

Anyhow these are pictures taken at the stie of the Platterhoff and inside the WW2 bunker system of the Obersalzburg.

What is left of the Platterhof:

The Eagles Nest:

The Bunker system:

The machine gun nest at the bottom of the above staircase:

I do not want to turn this thread into a political discussion, but I will post these next pics just to give an idea of how historical some of these places are







All of the "Then" pictures are taken from:

Third Reich in Ruins
Love the shots of the countryside and towns. My parents are from Bavaria (hence the crest on my avatar) near Fussen, moved to Canada in 1954. I've been to the area 5 times and I'll go again. When I was in high school, many years ago (Oh God!), I skiid near Berchtesgaden. I think the resort was called "Jennerbahn". Does that sound familiar?
No that does not sound familiar to me. I learned how to ski in Berchtesgaden back in the late 80s/early 90s. I was staying at the General Walker and took lessons from the military MWR facility.

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