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The He-162 finally began to see combat in mid-April. On 19 April, the pilot of a British Royal Air Force (RAF) fighter who had been captured by the Germans informed his interrogators that he had been shot down by a jet fighter, whose description was clearly that of a He-162. The Heinkel and its pilot were lost as well, shot down by an RAF Tempest fighter on the way back to base.
interesting as JG 1's diary mentions no kills claimed by He 162 pilots and the pilot you mention on the 19th of April was in combat with P-47's. Crashing his yellow 2 near Klintum. Researching.........fun and frustrating. I./JG 1 lost 10 pilots killed, 1 missing with the brunt on pilot error and a/c mechanical problems
flight lieutenant john garland DFC canadian tempest pilot shot down 1 me 262.

garland was shot down by flak in february 1945 and became a pow.

flying officer keith alexander smith new zealand tempest pilot shot down an me 262 date unknown?

squadron leader harvey sweetman DFC new zealand tempest pilot claimed an me 262 shot down on 26th november 1944.

squadron leader david fairbanks DFC american tempest pilot claimed an arado ar234 shot down on 11th february 1945
why don't you simply go to the first page and start reading. I'm still going to get this thing going again with the 1st of January 45 instead of everyone poking this out of order, though I appreciate jrk using this as a reminder
Hey, this reminds me of some gun camera snaps of an F-18 shootind down an F-22! Probably some similar gun camera snaps from a piston engined aircraft with a jet flashing by. Unless the jet was landing or the pilot stupid enough to sucked into low energy combat.
got a note this morn that the W. Groce Me 262 kill is coming to me shortly to post up - from November 44 along with the Gerbe acct.
back to Janaury 45 soon .....
losses of 32 Me 262's for the month of January 1945

1-1-45 :

9./JG 7 Lt Wolfgang Oswald MIA from combat op.
9./JG 7 Lt. Heinrich Lonnecker shot down and KIA west of Fassberg by Allied fighters
11./JG 7 Uffz. Detjens (still alive today) crash-landed near Fassberg after combat op flight; undercarriage malfunction and returned to base.
III./JG 7 crashed near Ulzen, the pilot was safe. possibly Lt. Weber with Detjens

on 1-1-45 an Allied report stated that 2 Me 262's of I./KG(J) 51 were reported to have been shot down by AA near Gilze-Rijn but no confirmation through the German unit has ever been noted.

US forces were the 4th fighter group operating Mustangs an acting as withdrawl support for the bombers this date. Lt. F. Young reported a jet shot down near Ulzen at 12.30hrs (Lonnecker) and Lt. Donald Pierine claimed another 262. Pierines claim report was trashed and non confirmed . . . .
Well here's a few easy to locate prop/jet kills I researched for an article a few years ago:

John Meyer in P-51D shot down an Arado 234 December 31, 1944
Gordon Compton in P-51D killed an Me 262 April 10, 1945
Thomas Hayes in P-51D got a 262 April 19, 1945
Thedore Sedvert in P-51D downed a 262 March 2, 1945
Don Cummings in P-51D scored 2 Me 262s February 25, 1945
Ray Wetmore P-51D killed an Me 163 March 15, 1945
John Murphy P-51D got a 163 on August 16, 1944
Urben Drew P-51D got 2 Me 262s on October 7, 1944
Hubert Zemke P-51D got a 262 October 7, 1944
Lt. Groce P-47D scored a 262 date unknown
James Kenney P-51D got a 262 flown by Franz Schall November 8, 1944
Chuch Yeager in P-51D scored an Me 262 November 6, 1944
Robert Foy P-51D got a 262 March 19, 1945
Richard Hewitt P-51D awarded Me 262 in 2003 date of kill unknown
As Walter Groce is a friend of mine living to my north in Oregon he is already covered, and I have covered freind **** Hewitt as well with his two confirmed jet kills, his first of that date in 45 was ace Hans Grüneberg bailing out in the last seconds to save his rear, the other I./JG 7 pilot was KIA all near the air field of Prague-Ruzyne.

Hub Zemkes/Benoits kill was 7 of October 44.
Well I didn't go back for 16 pages of looking for these guys. Most of these are from American Fighter Aces organization album.

BTW- I found you can't use the dimutive for Richard which is Dickk without the 2nd k. WTF!
A couple shots Ive had forever....


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