Plz i need some help i ruined my b29 monogram

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And here engines and props. Please notice that all these parts wait for the final attaching and had been painted before.


Ahh I see! Ok I will keep that in mind and do that thank you . Well. I was taping around to do the final paint on my strip .Well the tape was pulling the paint up .I'm like damn! So I figure I'll do I quick spray just on the small area . and wait another week Well ended up the mist fell over the other parts of plane. I should of covered the whole thing. Ended up repainting over other areas now. This is absolutely ridiculous ! Lol .Ok. I'm putting it aside for a long while .I'll go back to it when the parts come in. On to the next . Btw I think allot of this is me being fusterated, impatience , of course lack of knowladge. I gotta stop. Let it go and start something different and take my time and stop when I find myself rushing or getting tired etc. Anyway I'll probably have more questions on my next plane .I'll start a new thread .Thank you sooo much for your time and for everyone else that replied to my post.
Sorry to hear about that Justine. I know the frustration well. I have over 30 kits in various states of build that I chose to put back in the box instead of taking a 5lb sledge hammer to them. You made a good call. Looking forward to your next choice.
Tamiya Extra Thin Cement has a very nice and fine "brush" cap that is perfect for such "insert in hole" parts. Just carefully put the fine brush end in the hole or use the brush to "paint" the insert tab then put in the hole. The "glue" is actually one of the plastic solvents so it "melts" the plastic. It also has a high vapor pressure and will evaporate quickly and the parts become sticky quickly so no long holding waiting for CA-types to cure. I use it on all small parts
Ok. You guys either are gonna laugh or say to he'll with me I'll never learn lol. I noticed some small runs when I did a check on it. I threw it in the tub !!!! Starting over. ....................................
Nobody is gonna laugh.. just patience and patience once again. Without that modelling isn't possible. And you came here to get some of help didn't you ? Sometimes it is needed to make four or even five the same parts to get one of them made correct. Here is a mini stuff for 1/48 scale Kingfisher. Each of them was made three or four times before I could achieve a decent appearance.


And here for 1/72 scale F-16 ... these airbrakes with the inner structure have been made four times each. And I'm still not satisfied. Gona to start them again.

Hay I'm soooooooooo fusterated now. I got the Tamya tape . I put a light coat of paint on the wings .I let it dry almost a week . Its still ripping up the paint .Here look.


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Did you remove some of the tackiness from the tape first? Even though it is designed for modellers it is still too tacky. For small thin pieces I'll press it between my fingers a few times, larger pieces I'll press it against my palm a few times. This takes some practice to get the feel. When you apply the tape to the model don't press down too hard, just enough to seat the tape. If the tape runs across panel lines I'll use a round toothpick to press the tape into the grooves. Once I'm happy with my taping I'll run a thin bead of clear flat along the edge of the tape to seal it and prevent the paint from bleeding under. Wait an hour or so and then start painting. Having said that, I will still occasionally lift some paint with the tape or get bleed under but this is usually when I rush the job
Geo has explained it well, but I'll just add this - to remove the tack from the tape, the easiest and most sure method is to cut the length you require, and then pull it lightly between finger and thumb two to three times. This removes the 'top layer' of tack evenly along the length of the tape.
When removing the tape, lift a corner or edge, and then gently pull the tape away along its length, keeping the 'free' end at around 45 degrees.
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Yes I ran the tape accross my farhead and did not press down .The tape had hardly any stickiness . It actually was coming off. I don't get it
Remove the masking tape immediately after painting so that there's no time for the skin to form over the join between the tape and the painted surface. You don't have to wait for the paint to dry. If the paint has already dried, use a craft knife to carefully cut it along the edge of the tape.
Which brand of paint did you use and did you prime? Also oil from you fingers can prevent paint from sticking to the model so some will wash and rinse the model before painting. Please have patience, we will get you through this. We've all been there at the start
Geo has it. If you have removed the tackiness of the Tamiya tape and are still pulling up paint then the issue is the bond between the paint and the surface underneath. Even the best modellers on this site have done it and not long ago! Pull up the rest of the tape carefully. Any paint that comes off will need to be repaired by sanding the area up to where you have secure paint, then clean the area with water and a bit of dish soap, rinse and let fully dry before repainting. You can try repainting over the roughened surface or, better yet, use a lacquer-based primer first and then repaint.

Fun isn't it!?!?!
Yea yea lotta fun! LoL. Ok well to just recap quick. This plane was stripped of paint at least 4x mainly because of tape pulling up paint or paint Just looking like crap...I know at first when I had the problem was I used the wrong tape and paint was on way to thick. I used rustolium chrome paint...I know I know I should of used differently but my home is in foreclosure because i can't work anymore and I have hardly any income right now. But this damn paint no matter how hard I try...I get this orange peel effect and looks like carp so I end up putting the can closer to the plane to get it on thicker to avoid that look. Well doing that obviously caused some runs and had to restrip it again. I got this silver paint awhile back for my upcoming b17...but the damn stuff is like sparkely lol.. I'm Lol .So gotta return that. So after my last time of throwing it in the tub and pouring 100000's galons of paint thinner, I made sure I sprayed a very light coat across the wings since that's where I have to tape to make my stripe. Oh and the first time the paint pulled up i used primer...But this last time I didn't. So, I let it dry for exactly one week. Then I got my Tamya tape and ran it across my forehead and cheeks, lol before applying. My son was watching me while I did this and he was like..."mommy? Ummmm are you alright?," lol the look on his face was priceless. Anyway. I made sure I didn't push down to hard but only at the edge part so the paint wont leak in. The tape really had hardly any adhesive. Just barely enough to stick. So I sprayed my grey and immediately pulled up the you can see it stuck to the tape again.. I SWORE this was the last time I was stripping and repainting this plane. I don't know what else to do at this point except to wait and get the correct paint. But that means stripping it a 5th time . there is absolutely no details left on this plane from so much sanding . I've worked sooooooo hard on this plane so far I can't bare to give up. So I'll be buying 2 gallons of paint thinner this time lol and I found a modeler on ebay....he has a cool store with tons of paint at good prices So I'll buy off him. But I don't know if he has chrome. If I can't find chrome I'll have to settle for silver( not the pretty sparkling kind either lol)..damn I so wanna finish at this point..I wanna see how my canopy turned out but gotta wait till done painting obviously and I'm not redoing the canopy grrrrrr. Looking at the plane now...*sighs* yes it has to get stripped again also because it's on so thick ya can't really touch it without getting fingerprints on it and I still have landing gears and Bombay doors to do. So guys...tell me what to do again?? My head is spinning lol
Oh and yes I washed the plane with hot water and soap always before painting. One time I forgot and there was cat fur all over it So I never forgot again lol. I so can't wait to get airbrushes and YOU guys gotta teach me how to use it :) but for real...this is all really good so when I do the b29 bockscar I'll have allllllllllll this knowledge.
Huuuu what!!! You really just asked me that? After I just explained why I had to strip my plane in the same post??? Or are you mocking me? Btw I was over exaderaiting on purpose maybe to make someone laugh about the 2 gallons of thinner. So I guess not . Maybe I'm waitsting my time here
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No I'm not mocking you, just trying to help. I guess I missed your sarcasm. My point is that sometimes it's better to stop throwing good money after bad and spend your money on the right thing.

Good luck.

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