Post a picture of your messy work bench

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T Bolt

Mar 24, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
Looking at Dirks Blenheim thread and his clean work bench, and all the discussion about it gave me the idea for this thread.

Its been several weeks since I've had the time to do anything in the way of cleaning on my bench. See if anyone can top it!!!

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I can't beat that, but I come close on occassion..

Still I had a break for about 1 day after finishing up my BoB Hurricane and this critter moved right in.

Yep, that's right it's an aussie deadly mega redback!

Cheeky B@stard! Justice was swift.


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Bite your tongue............ I work on the dining room table, She wouldn't allow a mess!!!!!!!

T, you must have a separate card table to work on.
My wife says that's a St Andrews Cross spider.. and we Have to believe our wives!!!! ....... can't say what it will do to you tho.
And proof I have to have a neet bench........
The sign on the chair is for Chook here on the forum, he's a welder and I threw this together for him.....


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What's it cross about?

It's the way they sit in the web. Usually they are spread out into an "X" shape in the web.
We do have a collection of oddities here. I've been here ten years, been up to Lightning Ridge, out to Broken Hill, down to Melbourne, and up to Brisbane and have never had to jump back from anything....... 'cept the bloody flies............... they knows when you is acommin.

Wayne, she don't mind, long as I can clear the deck in a hurry.
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