Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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Time to refresh the Members Mugshots section.... I have a new batch of freak/meatball pictures to add and mock members who decide not to post up a pic of themselves, so........

Either post a pic up of urself, PM ur pic to me, or suffer the mocking humility that many members are already suffering....

If anyone has a new pic of themselves to update thier existing shot, post it up... Dont worry about the size, as I will crop all pics to fit the album.........

(And yes Lanc, I'm gonna use ur green wand pic........)

Heres a link to the current Mug Shot Gallery....
I plan or replaceing a few existing members shots with the following ones below... If u dont want it changed, lemme know........


  • zzderadler3.jpg
    27 KB · Views: 804
  • zzevanjake.jpg
    24.7 KB · Views: 792
  • zzfbj preflight.jpg
    23.6 KB · Views: 794
  • zzlanc glasses.jpg
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  • zzNSnew.JPG
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  • zzpDnew.jpg
    15.5 KB · Views: 787
  • zzPisis4.jpg
    25.1 KB · Views: 771
Fine by me. Those mocking pictures still crack me up, especially the dude with his finger comin' out of his eye. That is ****ed up.

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