Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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As for the comment Loby, I do kinda look like a muderer so, thanks...
No problem

My only question is whether or not ur helmet has to custom made to conform to that dome of urs???

Haha - actually no. I am right in the cusp between M and L. My jet helmet was a L, but I have a M helo helmet right now. Got my first helo flight Monday, and I'm thinking it might be kinda small. We'll find out.
Well goddamn brother, good luck on Monday.... Ive ridden in all sorts of helos too many times to count, although less than The Crew Chief Chris, and I always liked it better than fixed wing...

Thanks - I'm flying with a USCG CDR - he got winged back in 1983 and has over 5,000 flight hours. Nothing like a boot Lt flying with salt... should be a good time. God knows I'm going to hover like I just put down 10 shots of whiskey.
Nice photo of you and son Matt but Les you look in your like you have missed out on last beer at butchers picnic in your latest photo and you are pissed off about it to mate
Haha - actually no. I am right in the cusp between M and L. My jet helmet was a L, but I have a M helo helmet right now. Got my first helo flight Monday, and I'm thinking it might be kinda small. We'll find out.

Make sure you get the right size. ****ing Hot Spots blow especially on long flights.

Matt I was joking. Don't worry
Alder, I remember posting something exactly like that in the very first member mugshot thread. Not to worry, I'll put a pic of me on soon.
Hello all:

Attached is a pic of me and my bride (Edna Mae). This was taken on
17 Dec 2005 on the occasion of our 50th wedding anniversary, at which
time we got married all over again. It's the latest photo I have. If you
wanna crop it, that's ok too.



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