Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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My thanks to all you'se guys for the kind words and good wishes. She's a
hellova gal to have put up with me for (almost) 52 years. I'll have to find
a pic that was taken on our honeymoon, so you can see how we've
changed. Of course, two children, two grand children and two great-
grand children will help change anyone.

Again, my thanks...... you're a bunch of swell people.

My thanks to all you'se guys for the kind words and good wishes. She's a
hellova gal to have put up with me for (almost) 52 years. I'll have to find
a pic that was taken on our honeymoon, so you can see how we've
changed. Of course, two children, two grand children and two great-
grand children will help change anyone.

Again, my thanks...... you're a bunch of swell people.


No worries Charles. But I will for one take your word for it that you and your good lady wife have changed in 52 years. My Mum and Dad were married for 50 yrs 1 week and 3 days. My Father passed away exactly 10 days after their Golden Wedding Anniversary July 1994. And they had 5 kids (including me) 32 Grand and Great Grand Children. We breed extremely well in our family hahaha. And my Mother passed away August 2006
Congratulations to both of you I'm on my second wife so started all over again. Pottering towards our silver my missus said she tells everyone she broke her first husband and got me as warantee replacement.
Thanks Aussie1001... Bill and "trackend". Appreciate the warm words.
Both of you appear to be heading toward the golden....... good luck.

Here is a new one of me. And no, I wasn't zooming on some girl's butt! ;) I was on the upper deck for a dolphin show.


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Hey guys..... didn't I just do this ? Ok, we do it again.

It does seem like I'm always wearing a tux...... I own two.



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