Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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Standing in front of CV-10 which is only six years older than myself.


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There str8, I cropped and resized the pic for u... It took me 4 minutes tops to do it.... Next time, u spend the 4 minutes and post it up correctly....

Couple new pics of my ugly mug...

Thanks bud for the good work and im glad to see youre pic looks as bad as mine!:D
Maybe you should pose with the pyramids!

Just kidding Charles. :)

That reminds me when I was married to my ex Wife I gave her a birthday card
with these Words on it and the Sphinx. It said. Your birthday reminds me of how Mysterious dark and exotic just like the Sphinx. Inside the card it remarked how remarkly ancient you realy are. Happy Birthday. For some strange reason she was unimpressed. Do you think it might have had something to do with the recent addition to the family of our youngest son she had just given birth to. Some people just don't have a sense of humour:p :p
:lol: AWW!! Charles, I liked the tux! I was thinking of one of me from last Halloween in my naughty nurse outfit..I DON'T think the 'Minister' would be TOO hip on that one..:lol:
The tux gets old, after awhile. I wear one every other Tuesday AND every
other Thursday. I got tired of renting them many years ago, so I bought
two. The price of a white dinner jacket is obscene......

I'll bet that nurse's outfit is a sight to behold !......:oops:

I hope I did this correctly.:lol: was just on the phone with Dan, he was trying to tell me how to size it..SO I had to ask.."BUT, don't we have moderators to do that for us??"

EDIT: Well Baby, u didnt do it right so Ill take care of it for u this time Hon....


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