Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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This is a new one of me, it was taken Friday in my office. Kinda caught me

Now I ask you... do I look 74 ??



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Roman (seesul) with the photo of your signature add/and the later with your son, are present the four generations present?

  • -Grandfather


Yep, as Thorlifter and Lesofprimus said, that´s Willi Reschke, former JG301/302 German fighter and Joe Owsianik, former member of 20thSqdn,2ndBG, shot down on August 29,1944. Willi shot down one of B-17s that day. This picture was taken during their meeting last year, for a first time after 63 years. More here and here

Thanks Roman.

These moments I'm sure that are very emotive for you.....


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