Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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That Muley is sticking his tongue out at us

I would post a picture of myself, but the sound of thousands of Computer screens cracking all over the World would be deafening!!!
Very dark pic Torch, cant really see ur face too well.... The Muley looks great tho....

edit: I lightened up and cropped ur pic...

I have corrected it again Dan using another way.


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You're getting mellow in your old age Dan, you use to humiliate and ridicule those that didnt supply photos.

I for one think that Matt is really Rush Limbaugh but he refuses to prone otherwise by producing a photo.

... unless I missed a posting

I was looking at the little red thing with the engine at the back thinking where are the wings then only to realise its a freekin auto gyro Doe.
This is me at the Nellis AFB 50th anniversary airshow it's hard to tell but I'm aiming an RPG at the camera.


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