I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and an AWESOME New Year. I would like to share this with you as it is the Vmail that my Uncle Joe sent home to his mother while stationed in Grafton Underwood UK while attached to the 384th Bomb Group ,545th Bomb squadron as a Tail gunner on the B17 " Mrs Geezil". He was shot down on April 13th 1944 on a mission to Scheweinfurt and spent the rest of the war as a POW in Stalag 17B in Austria.
A Very Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year, to some of my best friends, no....family around the world, I hope that you all will have a magic one!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all and may your interest in this fascinating subject continue to grow in the New Year. From a balmy (32 degrees today!!!) Tasman region, it's good night at 2:26 am on Christmas morning (just got home from work)...
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all, might even have a white Chritmas. Can you believe that in 112 years it's only snowed 14 times on Christmas in Colorado.
A Happy Christmas and peaceful New Year to all my friends here. And, just in case there was a ****-up on that end of the world thing, may I be the first to wish you all a Happy Easter !
I've already posted but it is Christmas Eve and it never hurts to repeat: To all of you on the forum, you have made helped make 2012 much more enjoyable, A Very Merry Christmas to All