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Thanks Karl, I'll do it now. This is one I use, although it changes every month or so. This was at a parachute centre in August '85, we'd been waiting for the weather to clear, and I grabbed this shot before getting into another aircraft to chase the 'blue holes'.


  • Cessna sunset.jpg
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No, how to post my desk top image, or is it the same procedure? Give me weapons, aircraft, parachutes, vehicles, paint, cameras ... I can work them, but when it comes to computers, I'm still very much in primary school!


I can't think I've ever seen you post an image, so that's why I asked

Great photo, by the way!
Thanks Dave. I've got some other pics posted in Aviation Pictures, some of my paintings, and in the Modelling threads, under 'Stop moaning Lucky', or something like that!
I tend to be spoiled. I use alot of Eric's terrific shots as my wall paper. Here is the current one Im using.


  • DSC_1236.jpg
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That's a nice P-51 shot,Eric and an unusal livery

this is one I've just started using,one my Dad took a while ago


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