Post your wallpaper! Again!!!

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i know, this's the first year we've tried it and i'll try and go for something else next time, but it'll do in the meantime, and the PC studio i installed for my sister, it's so she can move files onto and off of her mobile, i see you have it too what so you use it for?............

and that was our desktop, this is my laptop..........


  • 1.JPG
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he won it in a maths class for "Most likely to become a Fashist dictator" i won one for "Most likely to use Frac-tors at work"........

and the dark haired chick in the middle without the glasses is one of the ones you gave the honour of being one of the girls in our year you'd hit.........
lesofprimus said:
Anyone else notice that Lancs wallpaper has CC on his knees in front of the goofy looking kid in the Zoo York hoodie, and that CC has a medal around his neck???

Yeah hes one of the carers, thats our seperate science class, which is so named because we're so poor at using the the equipment we would cause a danger to more normal students and therefore are segregated from them so we only cause damage to each other...
the only damage it did was to our social status ;) other than that i really enjoyed it, given it made us the most superior science students in the year, and i think our suprime intelligence shows in that picture, particularly in the guy in the front that couldn't even keep his eyes open for the picture ;)
you pressed print screen yes? if so then strictly speaking it's not saved anywhere, you must open paint, and then go to edit, then paste, and it will paste the screenshot, you've then gotta save it yourself........

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