Post your wallpaper! Again!!!

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Nothing wrong with my Special Forces avatar. Its just a little blurry. I'll try to find an avatar of Richard Bong's fighter group as well.

Here's my new wallpaper.


  • background.JPG
    64.1 KB · Views: 139
That's not a lot of icons, trust me, I have seen far worse. I don't worry about how much is in the system tray, I have 2 GB of RAM. 8) HijackThis is a tool to get rid of spyware and viruses, but you have to be pretty savvy with operating systems to safely use it. It is very powerful, but dangerous at the same time.
K boys I just decided to say f*ck it and I got a new computer its an HP Acer windows Xp, now im up there with you guys now


  • untitled.bmp
    3.8 MB · Views: 151

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