The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Hi everyone! I'm new and hoping I don't get shot down! Took the advice of some mods here and read some posts (espcially the new kid from . . . where was he Colorado? Irag? Seesaw Elementary School?) Anyhow, I'm been checking forums for research on a book I'm writing about the Luftwaffe and this has got to be the best forum I've come across so far. My background is never served (my dad was ex-Air Force -1950s), I build models and love researching WWII aviation. I'm also new to postings and forums (love the cool pics everyone has) and just trying to be friendly. Thats about it. I love the fact that this apparently is worldwide with people who share info, etc. This Intranettle thing is cool, huh!
Anyway thanks for letting me on and hope to have a good flight!
Anyway thanks for letting me on and hope to have a good flight!