Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
In the U.S., you have to fill out and submit a form annually, which declares your income for the previous year, which calculates taxes due.
The word "form" is misleading: it's a raft of papers AND there are three different versions:
1040 - this form should only be completed by a professional unless you're a sadist with a passion for mental torture.
1040A - this form *may* be done by a layman, but is a beauracratic version of "Magic: the Gathering", where you'll need to have all your artifacts, power levels and such in full effect before embarking on the journey.
1040EZ - the EZ part is misleading. It is not. They want you to think it is, but it's a trap. Hire someone to do if for you and go have a drink while waiting for the results...