Quotes and Jokes (4 Viewers)

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If the Revell model I built in 1959 was any indication, the Snark (Mother Of All Cruise Missiles) had a mobile launcher and could be set up and launched from anywhere.
That is reflected in the 1/48 Lindberg model too, I think. But it "could be" not "was actually." Th system was intended to be air trasportable. Test launches were from the Cape and the only operational unit unit to be equipped with the SM-62A was the 556th Strategic Missile Squadron, activated at Patrick AFB (i.e. the Cape) and deployed to Presque Isle, Maine, deactivated in 1961 when the Atlas D became operational..
Once when I was renewing my driver's license, I saw a fellow model club member, who owned a driving school, waiting. When I enquired, he said he had a student taking her driving test. As I looked over his shoulder, out the window, I saw a car back out of parking spot into a passing State Police car. I said, "Is that your student?" He said, "You're not going to get me to turn around." Moments later the Trooper walked in with the driver. Yep! She was a blonde!

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