Quotes and Jokes (3 Viewers)

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Like that cat.

When a Texas USAF Base got F-15's the result was a great many noise complaints from the surrounding populace.

But the Air Force also receive a letter from a local rancher that said:

"I just want to tell y'all that I am mighty proud to see y'all up there in those new airplanes defending our county. It makes me proud. As for the noise, every time one of those jets comes over my ranch it wakes up my bull. After he gets up he looks around and can't see what caused the noise. But then he figures that as long as he is up he ought to do something, and goes over and services one of my cows. I have had double the number of new calves since y'all got those new jets. So y'all come over any time."
In 1961 when in civies again, my new job was a small hardware store. Two show windows either side of the front door. The boss told me to be careful wording the products put in the windows. I seems in the late 40s, when new products began to appear, he put appliances for women in one window and men's in the other. At Christmas he put new electric drills, saws and tools out and on the women's side irons and new kitchen items. He noticed from inside the store, men would study the items, then laugh and walk on. One man came in and the boss asked what was funny. The man said, "One one side it says give him a Black & Decker for Christmas and the other side says give her a Hot Point for Christmas."

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