Quotes and Jokes (3 Viewers)

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Disorder in the Court:

THE COURT: Is everybody here? Nobody is here.
DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Well, I take exception to that, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Well, I mean nobody who is anybody.
DISTRICT ATTORNEY: I withdraw my objection.

DA: Defense Counsel is accountable to you, the jury.
COUNSEL: Judge, I object to that. I object to him referring to me as a cannibal, Judge.
THE COURT: He said accountable.
COUNSEL: A what?
THE COURT: He said accountable, not a cannibal.
COUNSEL: It sounded like cannibal to me and I object.
COUNSEL: Would you believe, Your Honor, that was going to be my very next question?
THE COURT: Well, I thought I would hurry it up.
COUNSEL: You're a very prescient judge.
THE COURT: Well, I've been present all afternoon.
JUDGE: What made you bite the police officer?
WITNESS: He stuck his arm in my mouth.

That's all for now

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