An Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman are working together for an American company building skyscrapers. Being the only foreigners, they end up as good mates, and spend their lunchtimes together out on the ledge.
One day they're having a yarn, when the Englishman opens his lunchbox. "I don't believe this.." he says," Do you guys know that I've been 30 years in this job, and everyday - every SINGLE day - the wife gives me bacon sandwiches. I'm sick to death of them! If I get bacon bloody sandwiches just one more time, I swear I'll throw myself off the bloody building!!"
The Scotsman opens his lunchbox, and says "Ay! Ah know what ya mean! I've only got bloody ham sandwiches again, harven't Ah ? Ah tell ya, if Ah get them again tomorra, I'll thrrow meself off too!"
The Irishman opens his lunchbox, and says, "Well Oi've got bloody tomato sandwiches again! Oi'm with you lads, if Oi get these feckers again tomorrow, I'm off of here with ya's!"
The next day, the lunch whistle goes, and they make their way to the ledge.
The Englishman opens his lunchbox, and closes it again in disgust. "Bacon bloody sandwiches.." is all he says, and steps off the ledge. The Scotsman opens his, turns miserably to the Irishman, says "Bloody hahm sandwiches..." and does likewise. The Irishman slowly opens his lunchbox - tomato sandwiches. He too steps off the ledge.
The story gets around about what happened, and a week later the 3 widows are crying amongst themselves. The Englishman's wife says "If only he'd told me he didn't like bacon sandwiches, I'd never have made them for him!". The Scotsman's wife says, "Ay, and if Jock hada said he did'nae like ham sandwiches, there's no way Ah'd a given them to him!"
The Irishman's wife looks in a state of deep shock, and so they ask her kindly if she's alright. "I..I don't understand it.." she says " Paddy's been making his own lunch for years now..!"