Quotes and Jokes

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Ahhh the deadly extremly late, more post war, Messerschmitt. In this case armed with a captured 50. Cal. Service ceiling left to be desired and turn radius worse than a fat elefant on scates.
Luftwaffle fanbois always over estimate the capabilities of this late bird. However like the he162 build in numbers. Most kills against it was not by usaaf p-51 but by brick walls.
"о сука" is Russian for "Oh...bitch", in English roughly translates as "Oh" (expression of consternation) plus "bitch" (epithet ie 'you bitch').

If you use a Cyrillic keyboard or select the characters from a Cyrillic font (try "Russian Keyboard Online • Cyrillic Alphabet • LEXILOGOS") and copy-paste into Google Translate you should get a translation.:)

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