Quotes and Jokes (6 Viewers)

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The Cities of Chathem-Kent Ontario Canada held a contest to name the 12 snow plows they own.

Winning Snowplow Names Announced

The results are in and after more than 5,300 votes, 12 snowplows in Chatham-Kent will be sporting new names in the new year thanks to a contest sponsored by Chatham-Kent Infrastructure and Engineering Services and WINMAR Property Restoration Specialists.
The winners are:
  • Anita Shovel with (436)
  • Gordie Plow (400)
  • Blizzard of Oz (340)
  • Darth Blader (271)
  • Pillsbury Plowboy (266)
  • Sled Zepplin (256)
  • Buzz Ice-Clear (251)
  • Qunuk (Inuit word for snowflake) (243)
  • Flurrious George (236)
  • School's Not Cancelled (194)
  • Snobi One Kenobi (192)
  • Sleetwood Mac (189)
Who said Canadians aren't Creative! and Funny!

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