Quotes and Jokes (4 Viewers)

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Disorder in the court:

COUNSEL: And between 1980 and 1989, where did you live?
DEFENDENT: I was working and I moved to California and I moved to Puerto Rico and I started working Puerto Rico as a professional wrestler.
COUNSEL: Is that like Olympic wrestling?
DEFENDENT: No, like World Wrestling Federation.
COUNSEL: And how long were you a wrestler?
DEFENDENT: Four and a half years.
COUNSEL: Let me ask you one question I have always wanted to know. Is that real wrestling?
DEFENDENT: It's real for us, you know. We know how to do it. If you get into it, you get hurt, but it's fake. We know who is going to win before.
PROSECUTOR: I object, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Do I ask you the basis?
PROSECUTOR: I withdraw the objection.
COUNSEL: Would you like to demonstrate the sleeper hold, on the prosecutor?
DEFENDENT: If he wants me to, I will show it to him.

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