R/G Hawker Hurricane Mk IIb

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Coming along nicely! A couple of points though, if you don't mind. The underside should be Medium Sea Grey, and the yellow wing leading edge ID stripes need to be about a quarter of the depth.
I have thought about the same.These yellow quick ID strips on leading edges of wings are too large.But the rest of her looks nice.
Just leave the undersides, as that would be a major re-paint, but mask off the yellow stripes and extend the camouflage colours as required. There shouldn't be a problem blending it in.
Hi again:

I applied the kit decals, the major ones, last night. They went down with no trouble at all over a Glosscoat (Testors) with a little MicroSet. Afterwards, I brushed CHAMP over them all so that they'd snuggle down good and tight. My reward was no silvering. I didn't take a picture of the bottom, but the same report on the 'cals. Here are the results....


  • 1-14-2010 Hurricane with decals 004.JPG
    1-14-2010 Hurricane with decals 004.JPG
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  • 1-14-2010 Hurricane with decals 005.JPG
    1-14-2010 Hurricane with decals 005.JPG
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  • 1-14-2010 Hurricane with decals 006.JPG
    1-14-2010 Hurricane with decals 006.JPG
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  • 1-14-2010 Hurricane with decals 007.JPG
    1-14-2010 Hurricane with decals 007.JPG
    63.9 KB · Views: 81
  • 1-14-2010 Hurricane with decals 008.JPG
    1-14-2010 Hurricane with decals 008.JPG
    63 KB · Views: 74
I agree, it's looking very nice indeed. BTW, 601 was not a Canadian Squadron. The Squadron was 601 'County of London' Squadron, Auxilliary Air Force (later Royal Auxilliary Air Force), the 'part time' Squadrons of the RAF, and was originally formed at Northolt, outside London, on 14 October 1925, as a light bomber squadron, although it didn't recieve its' first aircraft, Avro 504's, until May 1926. These 'County' Squadrons were made uip, mainly, of rather 'welll to do' young men, and were weekend fliers, more or less the equivalent of the (British) Territorial Army, a little like the US National Guard.
The Squadron, along with others of the Aux.A.F. fought in France in 1940, and right though the Battle of Britain. After WW2, and now Royal Aux. Air Force, the Squadron, along with all the others, was disbanded in March 1957, when the R.Aux.A.F. was disolved.
Right you are, Terry. I looked up their history on the official RAF website. I am guilty sometimes of getting my squadrons, and, er, colors mixed up!:oops:
No probs mate. See if you can correct the yellow I.D. stripes, it'll make a nice looking mode look even better. Always liked the look of the Hurri in the Green/Grey cammo, especially the cannon-armed MkIIc.
Hullo again, folks:

I got all the stencil decals on the bird..... a bit tricky at times, and it took me the course of two and half days to do it. Today, I sealed them all. Here is what's left: I discovered a paint smudge on the bottom that will have to be sanded and resprayed. The prop spinner isn't quite the way I would like it, so I'm going to lighly sand and respray that as well. Then I'll do a panel line wash, along with a wash for the main landing gear bay, followed by sealing with semi-gloss lacquer. Install the main gear, drill for the radio mast, form the antenna out of stretched sprue, and unmask the canopy glass. Then the bird will be done.

Sorry, Terry, but with the 'cals on, I don't want to take a chane of ruining the paint job now by extending over the yellow ID wing bands. They'll have to stay the way they are.
Just done 'the business' on the old Esci Tempest, posted under the '56 Squadron' build, and thinking of adding Hobbycraft's Hurricane MkIIB to the line up, as well as the IIC in another squadron's markings, probably 43 Squadron.
Next in line for me is an F-104 and a Fokker Dr-1, followed by a P-38. But a Tempest and another Hurri Mk IIc is definitely in the cards for me this year.:D

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