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Great stuff Jan! Didn't know you had a thing for 13's though... :)

My latest: Hungarian Air Force servicing markings for Mil Mi-24 (HAD, 1:72).

This came today. Nice kit, and cheep due to lack of decals and instructions. Decals no problem, and Vic came to the rescue with a PDF of the instructions. (thanks again!) One left Century kit left to get.

I just p/u a boxing of this kit through Revell last week myself

That's still a very nice kit Glenn, even by today's standards.

Nice kit for sure but I am thinking the moulds are starting to show thier wear or I got a Friday afternoon kit.The right outer portiion of the tailplane were the sprue met was warped pretty bad.I will have to cut off and make a new one and the upper fuse to lower will require tabs on the inside for sure for proper alignment neither issue is a deal breaker.

The model fits to drawings and keeps Spitfire shape correctly. Recessed panel lines seem to be a little bit too widish like you said but aren't too soft and look better than these of Italeri. What is more if you check on the Italeri Spit Mk.IX and Mk.Vb (trop) you will notice that the fuselage areas at the wing roots don't have even engraved the wing-fuselage fairings. Contrary to that these wheels the Airfix kit have even marked the deflection of tyres. The entire model consists of 31 parts what isn't anthing rocked us down. However the Italeri kit doesn't come with more pieces at all. Additionally the Airfix kit is dedicated to one, particular Spitfire Mk.Ia P9495 DW-K of the RAF 610th Sqn. So there is no need to attach any additional parts, methinks. In my scale of 5, the Airfix kit gets 5/5 before assembling.

BTW... back to these panel lines, check this Modelarstwo z pasj
A couple of images from the site. These panel lines don't need to be threated with a wash to be seen nicely.

Nice looking kit Wojtek ummmn....... something about Spits of late?
Well, Herr Dr, Prof, Dipl. Ing etc., etc....
I found one Hasegawa 1/32 'Bar', but they don't ship outside the U of A ( :( ), that's why I got those decals that you sniffed out, so.....I'll get that second A-7 down next time....and probably a G-10 and G-14 and a.... :oops: :lol:

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