Recent Purchases (2 Viewers)

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This came today. Nice kit, and cheep due to lack of decals and instructions. Decals no problem, and Vic came to the rescue with a PDF of the instructions. (thanks again!) One left Century kit left to get.

I just p/u a boxing of this kit through Revell last week myself

That's still a very nice kit Glenn, even by today's standards.

Nice kit for sure but I am thinking the moulds are starting to show thier wear or I got a Friday afternoon kit.The right outer portiion of the tailplane were the sprue met was warped pretty bad.I will have to cut off and make a new one and the upper fuse to lower will require tabs on the inside for sure for proper alignment neither issue is a deal breaker.

Nice looking kit Wojtek ummmn....... something about Spits of late?
Well, Herr Dr, Prof, Dipl. Ing etc., etc....
I found one Hasegawa 1/32 'Bar', but they don't ship outside the U of A ( ), that's why I got those decals that you sniffed out, so.....I'll get that second A-7 down next time....and probably a G-10 and G-14 and a....

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