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woo! got these in the mail, today! though, I thought the 777 came with GE90 engines, that's why I bought aftermarket P&W engines. turns out I didn't need to buy 'em. but I figure, what the heck? why waste 'em? the only thing I hate about all these decals, is that they don't come with Pratt Whitney logo decals! they're supposed to! every 777 in this livery has the Pratt Whitney logo painted on the side of the cowlings! D:

While trolling the internet for some more Martin 139 information, I came across this little beauty. It appears Williams Brother's have re-released the B-10 hopefully at a nicer quality, but I will have to wait until it arrives. One big difference is the number of schemes you can use (16+1) including most of the schemes used by the foreign powers, Russia being the only country not represented and does not include the proposed Spanish and French aircraft.

I can't wait to see if the quality and detail have greatly improved.

So far I've found a Mk.l and a Mk.lll in profile, no real photos yet. A few more books to go through...

Thanks Geo.

The upper one, F, is the camo I want to do. I think tho that Davidson's plane was "W" and had the first Kangaroo painted, and the rest followed, but they were all a bit different.

It looks like they left the Dark Earth and added the Desert Tan color. Just need to know the color number for it.
We keep searchin.
Since we are talking about the p-40. What is the right colour for the cockpit.. I was thinking MM interior green(fs34151) with a drop or to of black,or Hu75 bronze green. I can't seem to find the definitive answer
For some time, I've been on a quest for fine gauge solder or lead wire here in the Great White North. I discovered this wonderful stuff after receiving a small bag of it in a Resin engine plug set several years ago. Whereas Terry offered to send me some a while back, I felt that surely I should be able to find the stuff here at home. Boy was I wrong.

While in a local hobby store I asked one more time for the lead wire and one of the managers, an older chap who said he was in the business for over 30 years, said he never heard of it. Well, he didn't say what business he was taking about....However a customer overheard my conversation when I switched the subject to solder and he suggested I check out an electronics supply store down the road and so I did. Great little store with tons of stuff. As I narrowed my search down one of the aisles, the rainbow's end and angelic chorus revealed a spool of wonderful 0.2mm diameter solder! Ecstatic, I snapped it up, glad that my long search had ended and took it over to the desk to pay. The guy rung it in for...get this....$52.00!!!

Well, as much as I wanted the stuff, there was no way I was going to pay that. There was more solder on that spool than I could use in 3 lifetimes and the guy said that it did not come in smaller spools so I gave up the search here and went on line. It didn't take long to find this site UMM-USA Unique Master Models where I found fine lead wire at a very reasonable price so I placed an order. The other day, I received the below two bags of lead wire, 0.2mm and 0.4mm diameter, which with shipping cost me less than 10 bucks. Happy now.

Great find there Andy, and you'll wonder how you ever got by without it !
I'm not sure, but the 'Plus Model' wire may be restricted or banned in the UK, as the 'usual suppliers' don't seem to have it, or can't get hold of it. I've just located two sources here in the UK, and so I've stocked-up on the sizes I normally use, and sent a pack of each to Wayne too.

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