Recent Purchases (3 Viewers)

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Thanks for the info Evan.
Yep, I'm hoping that I can start my BoB 'Hardest Days' Collection builds, and have at least some of them done by the September anniversary next year. There's only 17 models in 1/48th scale to build, and a couple in 1/32nd scale ................... with a further four in 32nd and three in 48th already done.

True, sometimes I'm just a muppet....
You're very much welcome old boy!
Nice one (or two) old boy. Think I'll be grabbing one at Duxford, unless Iris at the LHS happens to have one falling off a shelf into my hands when I call in next - possibly tomorrow !
They say you can't beat local knowledge... and they are right!
Spent a great day in Dublin with Gerry, who told me of a shop selling second hand models: one visit and a few more rarities off the 'to get' list!

All 1:72 of course

- Airfix #05002-1: Bristol Superfreighter Mk.32
- Esci #9089: McDonnell-Douglas A-4E Skyhawk
- Hasegawa #JS 140:400: McDonnell-Douglas TA-4J Skyhawk
- Sanger (vac form): Avro Lincoln

The Superfreighter will be converted to an RNZAF Freighter Mk.31M, the A-4E and TA-4J to A-4K (Kahu I) and TA-4K respectively, and the Lincoln to an RAAF MR.31 or 32.

Also have a Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon and Miles M14 Magister on the way
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Great stuff Evan. I've always fancied doing a Superfreighter in RAF 'What If?' colours, and often thought they were an under-utilised, somehow overlooked aircraft.
I presume you had a good day out with Gerry - pics?
My detail set for my recent Dragon 1/350 Scharnhorst purchase arrived yesterday and what an amazing set! 35 brass gun barrels, 2 resin Ar196 float planes (6 resin parts each plus PE float supports, prop, and canopy framing), and 17 frets of PE detail parts. I'm looking forward to spending some long winter evenings with this model!


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