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Went back to Calgary yesterday to check out that shop one more time before it closes for good, and there was some stock turnover which was good. Picked up the following, at reduced prices.

I would REALLY like to do this in the 2009 Dutch demo team scheme, but I haven't been able to find the decals in 1/32.


I've been looking for a British Phantom for ages, but never wanted to pay the full price for it since it was a bit much. There were 6 or 7 1/48 F-4s there but this was the only British one, so I snapped it up. Won't be painting it like the box art. Leaning toward the last scheme they used in the gray, like the one I've posted. Specifically 19 Squadron because I like blue. :lol: The boxing I got lacks the rectangle on top of the tail, but that shouldn't be hard to deal with. EDIT: Nevermind, I'm blind, it does have it. Comes with metal gear which is nice.


And finally, one I've wanted for a while but never pulled the trigger on. The Luftwaffe decals are ruined however, not to mention out of register. I know how to get replacements, but I don't want them to be out of register as well. Maybe I'll just do a British one.


Those will be the last purchases for a while, time to get something built!
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I did get a chance to pick up these two kits at Kings Hobby shop in Austin while up at Dales last weekend. and I picked up the book (still waiting on three others from Amazon used books.) I picked up the B for 24.99 and the R for 27.99, not to bad.

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Kings has a total crappy ebay reputation. I purchased a model from them and when it didn't arrive i asked for a refund. They made such a big deal out of giving me a refund I just said forget it. They are not worth it.
[Kings has a total crappy ebay reputation. I purchased a model from them and when it didn't arrive i asked for a refund. They made such a big deal out of giving me a refund I just said forget it. They are not worth it.

Really sorry you had that happen, they are really great in store. These kits are from a large consignment they had. I've never done on line sales with them and the only time I see them is when I go up to see Dale.
Nice haul there Cory. Have you looked at Dutch Decal for the decals you want? I got a great set for Dutch F-104G's, and they're very nicely produced.
The Phantom kit is a nice one, and looks good when built. Mine is in the 'Barley grey' scheme first introduced in the early 1980's, and I have colour schemes covering all the RAF Phantom squadrons if you need them. If you ever want another, look at the Revell re-boxing, still around on e-bay, and a third of the price.
I hadn't actually ever heard of them. They have a 1/32 F-16 sheet, which will at the very least work for the roundels, and I can attempt to mask the rest. And if I chicken out, I can just do the normal scheme. Thanks a lot Terry! I'm going to buy this sheet for the Phantom so I'll have options, and any references will be useful.

Airdoc Aircraft decals - AIRM4807 | Hannants

EDIT: Terry, I've been trying to find your pictures of your Phantom, but can't seem to find the thread it's under. If I remember it was in a thread with some other aircraft you had built of the same squadron. Do you remember where it went?
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Great scores Cory! (Never seen that Phantom scheme before)

Cheers guys re mine too. Yep... small fullas for the most part, and just as well - wouldn't fit in the flat otherwise :)
Terry - searching the net for pics, but anything you have would be appreciated - cheers mate!
Okay, so I have discovered El Dorado. For the boys in the states I would be referring to Hobby Lobby. They had an entire aisle of kits from planes to boats and then on the other side model master paints and various tools commonly found online. On top there is a weekly 40% off coupon so you could get the more expensive larger kits for a steal (They price them right about equal to online prices). With much temptation I was able to walk away with only a tiny dent on the credit card.

I am excited about the clear film for canopy masking as I tried the tamiya tape and it didn't quite hit home. Just tried this on scrap glaze and it was great!! May need to spray paint the clear sheets though so I know if i'm cutting the panels right.


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I hadn't actually ever heard of them. They have a 1/32 F-16 sheet, which will at the very least work for the roundels, and I can attempt to mask the rest. And if I chicken out, I can just do the normal scheme. Thanks a lot Terry! I'm going to buy this sheet for the Phantom so I'll have options, and any references will be useful.

Airdoc Aircraft decals - AIRM4807 | Hannants

EDIT: Terry, I've been trying to find your pictures of your Phantom, but can't seem to find the thread it's under. If I remember it was in a thread with some other aircraft you had built of the same squadron. Do you remember where it went?

That looks like a good sheet Cory. I used a 'dry transfer' set, from a company sadly no longer around, which covered every Squadron, in every scheme, with all stencils for each scheme, around 200 per aircraft!
Can't remember where I put those pics of the model either, but here's a couple of shots of the rather dirty, unfinished model, currently being re-marked from 43 Sqn to 56 Sqn.


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Nicely done Terry!

Good scores guys. Cory, still have not made it back to Rick's. Did you see good deals on 1/48 WW2 stuff?

Really sorry for the late reply Andy, everything's 30-40% off and that's as good as you're going to get for the most part since whatever they don't sell Lucky Model is going to buy. I saw and Eduard Spitfire IX, I am not sure if you have one. I don't know what exactly will still be there and what won't, because there was a decent amount of different stock out between the two times I went. I think this Friday and Saturday are the last days they're open.

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