Remember when...

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 8, 2006
How many of you guys remember these prices ? I openned an old Monogram kit yesterday and found this.I didn.t re-size so all could see.


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*sheepishly raises his hand*

I do! Not exactly those exact prices but I remember buying some 3-in-1 kit packs at 1/72 scale - (Revell IIIRC). They were something like 3$ for the entire pack. :LOL: *sigh*
Yep, remember that (in British currency of course!).Great stuff Ed.
I still have a fairly extensive collection of modelling magazines, kept for reference, mostly dating back to the early 1980's, with the odd one or two from the early 1970's. (gap due to military service!) I came across one recently from 1972 or '73, advertising the then new Airfix 1/24th scale P51D Mustang - at £2.75 !! The same kit is still around - but it's now £50 in the UK!!
I understand the price rises due to inflation and production costs, but I don't understand, or accept excuses for, the huge price rises in some simple, very basic, 40 year old kits, which were, for example, 60 pence in 1970, and are now £7 or more.
It would be good to see similar ads or price lists from past years if anyone has anything. The surprising thing back in the 70's and 80's, was the actuall amount of kits available, from a single manufacturer, and all in stock, not withdrawn for re-release years later at inflated prices. The list from Matchbox, for example, seemed endless!
That's not only a few % up in price.....

Quite. The days when you could build kits on pocket money are long gone... I well remember going to our local model shop as a kid... a magical place, kits from floor to celing, sadly now gone and replaced by houses.

There's some good model shops in Stockholm though...
Sure is bud....remember Stor Liten? They were good back in the day, remember going there with my late granddad to buy a kit, think that I bought the Ju 87 Stuka. Can't remember the make but it was 1/72......later half of the 70's I think.
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Ive recently bought a few kits (unbuilt and still in the box) that are from those years.

I'm not going to build them, but just have them on a shelf where I can look at them from time to time. Kind of like a nostalgic look back on those years where I wanted every single model and my weekly allowance was only a dollar a week.

Some of the kits I've brought over the past few months, the pervious owner had written on them the date he brought them how much for etc etc

Il take a look tonight and see what I can dig up

Yeah same here , though I wasn't around when they came out

Heres a few of them - swastikas on boxart and all


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Ah the memories, takes me back to the first Matchbox car, the "Steamroller", my first Matchbox kit was the Lightning F.6 and later I did a T55 which still sits on top of the radio. Cool kits as well guys.


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