representation by pinup

cute corporal for your official site pin up?

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I keep saying this - I checked the I.P and she is from Weston and works in a college. Since that much is true, it suggests the rest of it is too. However, this is all academic, since I doubt she'll be back.
Well genuine or not, I wasn't bothered by her or anything. Crippen either. In fact, I rather liked Cripps.
It's kind of a shame CC#2 won't be back, because now we'll never get to know the real her. She seemed friendly enough.
I don't think Cripps will you know. Mind you, if people leave, they do just that. Leave. I always think people who say they're going are just looking for some ego cookies;

"Oh please don't go!" "We lurrve you!" "No stay, honestly!"

I didn't make a big deal of stopping my posts at Il2skins. I just thought the head mod was a twat - everybody knew I thought he was a twat - and so I just drifted off into the ether.
YEs it did, there was time when there were no light hearted people on the site, and it was all serious and there was no friendly chat. Then, you and NS joined, HS came back, A couple of other interesting people (Such as DerAdler) joined an the site is now finding its feet and becoming very popular 8)
But if you read the REALLY old threads, its all pointless spam with just pages and pages of 2 people (usually involving me and the lanc) talking about utterly stupid stuff
Pretty much. It was started in early 2003, it didnt really start getting popular until December 2003 though. the lanc was here then, and I used to watch him on the site at school, got interested in the whole WW2 plane thing, and joined in January 2004. Back then, 10 posts in a day was huge It seemed to take forevery to get to 100 posts back then. Now its easy! Ive made over 120 today already!

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