representation by pinup

cute corporal for your official site pin up?

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Yep, after I posted my reply, I got a private message asking why I was "bitchy" and that I had to be nice to her. I politely replied that if I was being "bitchy", she would definitely know. I was being cynical, which is my right! All the sex talk and alleged great looks, cleavage, etc. Too much. Too contrived to be real, in my opinion.
You lot are playing right into this...... how daft are you.
She is a veryclever lassy. Leave a little temptation..... give um time to stew.... back with a little more temptation..... leave a long space before the photograph.... keep you waiting! worked on my ex ( not Miss CC.... just another clever lass) as she reeled him in slowly.
Men hey.... 'The car showroom' theory in action.
Lovely to watch....... this girl is good.... hats off to her I say 8)
Personally, I could really care less what she does. I am not intrigued or interested. I have seen people like that before on the web. I don't need some dirty talking tart to get me going. Besides, if I wanted to look at scantily clad women, there are plenty of places to see that on the web. I am not here for that. I made a cynical comment because she is transparent. She took offense, her problem, not mine.
Not heard you sound like that before Evan, don't let her get to ya hun.
A subject change needed.
My Mascot is an 'Owl'. I wish I were more like an Owl.... they seem to be able to sit back....observe, hoot only when necessary and be very wise at all times.

Me ....can't sit back and observe.... can't sit back i talk too much and can only be wise when pushed to be.
Are there any Owl...plane links though?
What would your site Mascot be and why?
She didn't get to me. I was annoyed when I was told that I had to be nice to her. No worries, now a mascot, I think an Eagle or some other bird of prey would be good. Eagle, Hawk, Falcon, you know, the ones that swoop down and grab their prey. Like a fighter plane. IN the spirit of flight and aerial manuevering, etc.

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