Revell 1/32 Bf 109G-10 Erla

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Some nice work there John. The resin parts are probably about par for the course - the 'problem' with resin, if it can be called a problem, is that it is not as stable as injection moulded plastic when cast in some shapes, when 'movement' can occur due to temperature or humidity changes, and some adjustment, packing or filling should be expected.
Overall, parts such as those you're using have been made to correct an overall shape, or to alter a shape etc, and will have been made as close as possible to fit the designated kit, allowing for the limitations of the process, and the above points.
That said, as with any manufacturing process, some do it better than others.
I haven't used Alley Cat products, but those from the main stream producers, such as Aires, and from specialist smaller companies such as MDC and Grey Matter Figures, have been fine, but again with some limitations in some instances.
Thanks for the kind words everyone! Especially the insight about resin parts. I'll keep that in mind before I assume that these resin kits are perfect drop-in replacements. I've received my RB Production seatbelts so I'll be able to jump ahead on this build shortly. The belts are very intricate and seem to be a model unto themselves. I'll be reporting on them very soon!
The seatbelts from RB Productions finally arrived (along with a neat razor saw to help me cut resin pieces). I knew from reviews and online builds that this was going require some intricate work since these seatbelts (similar to the HGW products) are pieced together much like the real thing.

The fabric portion of the belts are supplied as pre-cut pieces of special paper. They are quite resilient but being paper-based, you need to make sure that you don't stress them too much or they will distort or rip. I experienced no problems with them even when my fingertips got a little sweaty. The metal parts are photo-etched. There is a little sawtooth tool on the corner of the P.E. fret that is supposed to allow you to replicate the stitching.

This first piece (one of the lap belts), which is comprised of two paper pieces and three P.E. parts took me about 30 minutes. Most of that time was simply looking at the instruction sheet and figuring out how each paper piece is "threaded" onto the different buckles. The instructions don't give a step-by-step but provide illustrations of the finished pieces in plan and profile.

The leather padding of the lap belts are supplied as a brown-colored paper.

Once you get one done, the process gets a bit faster. I found it easier to complete each buckle and securing with glue before moving on to the next. The instructions specifically preclude the use of CA glue for construction as it might stain the paper material. I used Gator Grip Glue.

With the seatbelts finished, I can attach them to the seat.

I can finally get the cockpit tub assembled. Just to note, the Alley Cat seat and rear bulkhead were used here.

Funny how all of the detail sort of disappears when the cockpit walls are put together.

With my new RB razor saw, I cut off the casting block of the Alley Cat spinner to see how that fit to the kit. Not too well I am sad to report. I need to look at it a little more carefully but my initial assessment is that the spinner backplate hole isn't centered perfectly so the prop is misaligned. Not sure if I can fix the issue but I'm already looking at ditching it and using the kit parts AGAIN.

The choice to use or not use the Alley Cat parts has been a dilemma for me. The corrections that they address seem to be offset by various negative traits. The prop assembly is a perfect example of this. On the plus side are (a) backplate seam is in the right place, (b) no awkward joint along the prop openings to fill, (c) prop blade outline is more accurate and (d) blades can be inserted AFTER the spinner is painted, making the always challenging spiral easier to deal with. But it is all for naught if prop doesn't go on straight! Also the resin prop blades are very thick compared to the kit parts, which is surprising given the ability to cast razor sharp edges in resin. The kit prop assembly is shown on the left while the Alley Cat is on the right.

I'll have to a closer look at the alignment issue on the Alley Cat spinner but at the same time, I've been considering how to make the kit prop blades a little more palatable. Perhaps I can cut and trim my way to an acceptable blade shape. Assuming that the Alley Cat shape is the more accurate (shown on left), a cursory trim off the top and sides looks a little better (see middle) than the unmodified kit part (on the right). And I might be able to trim off the mounting tabs to allow me to mount the blades after the backplate is attached which would make seam cleanup and spiral painting easier.

The saga will be continued...
Nifty looking belts John. A shame about the resin though. I'm not too keen on resin cockpits as, like you say,they disappear. So what do I just do? I buy 3 sets for near future GBs.

Nifty looking belts John. A shame about the resin though. I'm not too keen on resin cockpits as, like you say,they disappear. So what do I just do? I buy 3 sets for near future GBs.


We can't help ourselves can we? I actually enjoy looking at unbuilt kits, whether they are injection molded or resin... I just like inspecting the unpainted pieces. I refrained from buying a resin cockpit set for this build and despite the extensive Alley Cat additions that I've purchased, this one getting more OOB with each passing day.
Just a tiny update... the more I look at the fit of the Alley Cat spinner, the less likely I am to use it. So... I've been playing around with making the Revell spinner more palatable. First, I cut the mounting tabs off of the prop blades so that I can install them later. Next I glued the spinner together (three parts: spinner, baseplate, inner circular piece that forms the receptacles for the prop blades). Without the prop blades in the way, it is WAY easier to get rid of the unwanted seam. A new line was scribed to mark the separation between the baseplate and spinner. A bit tricky on a curved surface but I managed it using pieces of Dymo tape. I think I may add some rivets...

After fooling around with the spinner, I think I'm ready to put the fuselage together.
These belts and cockpit are deluxe !!!
Now I want to watch as you shall be this spinner.

Learning from your great work John

Luis Carlos
A little disappointed... yes. Not going to dwell on it though. I think it's cool that these little companies take the time to make custom resin parts for us. Subtracting the shipping and the small wing bulges from the equation, the upgrade kit costs about $23 USD, which isn't bad for the amount of resin that's included. I'm not using the cowling and the spinner but I've already incorporated the seat, bulkhead and control stick and am planning to use the exhausts. If the control surfaces, supercharger and oil cooler work out, I'll be happy.

Here is my first attempt at rivet making. Pretty sloppy but it was a good learning experience. I tried using Radu's Rivet-R but couldn't control it around the curved spinner. So I ended up punching them with a sewing needle chucked into a pinvise.

The canopy has been masked and tested for fit.

The machine guns have been painted and installed into the cowling. I used small strips of Tamiya tape to mask the guns so that I don't have to repaint them afterwards.

The cockpit tub is mounted onto the wing spar and the fuselage is glued together. Fit is great so far. The Alley Cat scoops near the front end have been added... these are nice upgrade from the solidly molded kit scoops.

Closeup of the cockpit (the reflector glass pieces have been knocked off by accident).

Checking the fit of the cowling. Fit is good but will probably require some putty work here.

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