Revell 1/32 He162 'Salamander'

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Senior Airman
Oct 1, 2012
Well here's a departure from my usual builds this one's got no prop. I found this in my local toy shop for £15 which is a fare price and the first time I've seen the kit locally. The moulds date back to 2004 so not too old but there's some flash evident. The kit comprises of only three sprus and one clear part, the decal sheet looks good and in registration. There is some good detail in the office and wheel bays and the jet engine can be improved with the addition of some lead wiring. All in All not a bad kit!.
A quick look on the internet and I've found several builds and reviews plus even a restoration project with some very good detail.
I've made a start with the office spraying the seat bulkhead and sidewalls RLM66. There is the option to remove the nosecone to expose the well detailed front wheel and suspension system but I think I'll opt for the closed version. The wings fit nicely together although I think they will require some filler at the wing roots here's my progress so far.


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I spotted Bernds' the other day what a fantastic build . I don't think I'm going to be anywhere near the level of his scratch building.
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Theres one member a while back that did this kit up like crazy, I'll try to find the link and post, amazing detail work there its a good link to draw inspiration from if you decide to scratch build :)
Igor, the link has already been posted by Andy.
Good one Vaughan, and from what I've seen and heard it's a nice kit. Now that my library is off the floor and back on new book shelves, I can let you have cutaway and cockpit drawings if they're of any use? There's probably more info in Bernd's thread though!
Igor, the link has already been posted by Andy.
Good one Vaughan, and from what I've seen and heard it's a nice kit. Now that my library is off the floor and back on new book shelves, I can let you have cutaway and cockpit drawings if they're of any use? There's probably more info in Bernd's thread though!

Lol, that is what you get when I can't read through the posts before posting myself lol :D
Thanks Guys, Terry the drawing would be interesting.
I'm moving on at a bit of a pace with this one all cockpit components are sprayed including the wheel wells and gun bay so just the detail needs to be highlighted with a wash and some dry brushing. I've made a start on the wheels, which are well detailed, and the front wheel suspension it's a shame that none of it will be really visible as it's an accurate representation of the original.


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Looking good Vaughan. Here's the cockpit general arrangement drawing.


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Thanks Guys, she's coming to life Wayne.
Have made a small amount of progress with undercart wells, cockpit walls and machine gun bay all weathered and dry brushed. I used the instrument panel decal straight over the existing moulded panel with plenty of decalsoft which seems to have worked well. Still have many components to add to the main wheel bay the detail is very good considering this is a Revell kit that's been around for nearly 10 years.


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