RNZAF Corsair Build

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Get the 'advertising' right, and there'd be a market, though small, as a part-time business. With the selling price realistic and reasonably affordable, sales could 'go' via flying clubs, aviation museums, maybe even Air Force personnel and so forth. You'd need to get a basic pattern that could be adapted to fit most types, maybe two or three basic structure plans, that could all be built in modular form, then finished as the required aircraft. That would keep the cost and lead-time down, and give a realistic profit. I'm thinking a structure for radial engines, say Corsair, FW190, Zero, and an in-line, eg Spit Bf109, Mustang etc., plus others, including more modern jets. Maybe a very small, niche market, but, say, two to six a year, could make a nice little earner on the side. Some years ago, a guy here in the UK did it with tanks, jeeps and cars for kiddies; sold well, and I think one of the 'big boys' bought up some of his designs, to be made in moulded ABS or GF or plastic; he started with a plywood Land Rover. You never know - worth a try if you find the time.
Thanks for the advice Terry

May stick this on trademe(NZ's Ebay) and see what it goes for

of course not sell it ,just see what people are willing to pay
Wings started to get covered ,except this was thicker aluminium .Jemma will be able to stand/jump on it

Couldn't do it all ,would make the main wheels to hard to attach

You may of noticed the wings were off!???:lol: ...just easier to do what I did:D


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Looks great Dan, and good idea putting tougher materials where she's gonna stand. I'd pit it all over the wing before the fold, that way she's got plenty of room.

Yup thats what I thought too ,I had to stop incase that intefered with putting the gear on
Ok yes I know...been a bit lazy:oops:

BUT I've been doing a bit of work on the main gear(no pics sorry) and today further skinning took place(Yay pics!)

I am however almost out of cans so Il either have to find more or find some other source of something similar

Heres a few pics(Note: in photo's 2 and 3 the Bundaberg bottle ,Got to 30 degress today and I must say you Aussi's make some dam fine ginger beer!:D )


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