RNZAF Corsair Build

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otherside of the rear fusalage has started to be skinned

right now I just wish I did the rear section differently ,I've really noticed the shape incorretness and shortness but for this kind of thing I'm happy:D


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It's looking really brilliant Daniel! Wouldn't worry about the 'shortness' as you called it; the main thing is, it LOOKS like a Corsair, fantastic! As it's covered in coffe tins, are you going to nick-name it 'Cafe Girl', or 'Brazil Bird' ??!!
109, I think you should try and incorporate 6 water pistols into the wings so your sis can give people that get in her way a squirt!

It's looking great so far 8)
With the guys, great job mate!

My word, she looks mean in that head on shot!!! (Gotta love the corsair!! :) )

True that Evan ,Thanks for the comments guys(all motivating!)

busy tomorrow ,(babysitting) maybe be able to work on it

Fingers crossed
You could take Muller's idea a stage further. Add an electric pump or two, plumbed into the 'gun barrells', with a tank-full of water with brightly coloured red, orange or yellow dye. You'd have ( or sis would) a powerful battery of water 'cannon', firing 'tracer'!! She could knock over any scallys that got in her way!!
Looks fantastic Daniel! Hope to see a Zero, Frank or Oscar soon, eh? I agree with Muller, put 6 waterguns or pistols that has to be reloaded like the real thing....daddy can be groundcrew! I can see the neighbourhood kids gonna want to have the same....
Talk to the Airforce, Daniel, they might be keen since we got rid of the Strike Wing! (Better a half-scale Corsair than a cessna 172 with a BB gun... :) )


yup Terry if the market was there I wouldn't be working next year I'd be building these things!:D

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