RNZAF Corsair Build (1 Viewer)

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Thanks Guys!

yah the signs a must ,wouldn't want anyone to get the paint on themselves!:lol:
Whey Hey! It's looking great Daniel! Have you covered the aluminium on the fin with something? Looks like the corrugations are already starting to disappear. Great work, should have a Corsair for Christmas, and I love the sign!
Just awsome!!!! A bit larger and could fly that thing to work! What are you planning to use as cover, aluminum and real rivets (that'll be so coool!!)?? What about the interior, what are you planning to use the IP?, and what scale is that??
Thanks guys!

Terry ,nothing was used to get rid of the corigation lines ,but now that you mention it ,Thats Genious Mate! .What sorta filler would I use? could I make it myself or do I buy the usual tamiya stuff?

Jgonzalez ,ya aluminum is what I'm using to cover ,no rivets just small nails .Whats IP? ,um scale is very VERY roughly 1:10
Not modelling filler, Daniel, you'd pay so much you'd be able to buy a share in a real Corsair!! The corrugations don't look too bad, so you might be able to tape over them, maybe with Duct tape or similar, then fill the remaining recess with a car-body filler, the 'elastic' type that won't crack. Your nearest auto-parts/ accessory shop should have the right one, and advise you which is best. If the corrugation ribs are raised, tape up to them first, to give a smoother look, then do the filling, to blend the whole lot. Remember to take weight into account though. If it still doesn't look smooth overall, the only solution I can think of at the moment, is to then cover the lot in fabric, like they did with the Mosquito, over the plywood. You don't have to buy expensive linen canvas, just use something like cotton, or even polyester bed sheets. Glue it at one edge/end first, let the glue set, then pull it tight around the skin, maybe spot gluing as you go, to join-up where you started. If you make the start point/joint UNDER the fuselage, it won't be seen. Then, give it a coat of thick varnish, as if it were dope, and let that harden. Paint over that and presto! Should work. I hope!
Thanks for the help Terry and Heinz

Hopefully find some in the next couple of days
No probs, Daniel. Just thought though, do the reverse of what I said:- fill the ribs, then tape over - should blend in nicely, and you might not need to cover with fabric, about three good coats of paint, and a final clear coat, will make it as smooth as a baby's bum! ( two primer coats first though)
Looking forward to the next bit, and especially the pre-flight testing!!
Wow. As a new recruit to this site and still trawling throught the threads, I have to say this is quite simply a fantastic bit of work. And its all your own design and build as well !.

Of course you realise now, that once this one is built, you'll more than likely end up doing another one...or a different type alltogether... and build on the lessons you learnt from the first one. Thats the trouble when you finish one project, you have an empty void that can only be filled by doing another one straight away.

Quick question, have you sorted out a method for steering this babe...pushrods from the stick to the rear wheel ?...side mounted levers in the cockpit linked direct to the rear wheel ?....steering wheel and chains to the rear ? or have you in mind something far simpler (I've only skimmed through the replies to this build , looking at the pics you've posted, not read everything in detail yet, so apologies if you've already discussed this)

Your thread has given me the 'bump' I need to crack on with my project.

Once again, well done and keep posting those updates
Cheers mate

yeah the steering's all sorted ,pretty much what you described .Levers in cockpit link to tail wheel

Also Welcome to the forum!

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