Hello guys, again something small-scale from my workshop 
How many of you heard anything about rare bird called IK-3?
It is a master project of Royal Yugoslavian air industry. Monoplane, low wing fighter. Modern for it's time.
Ik-3 looks like French M.S.406, but it was better aircraft than Morane...
I would not talking about history anymore, who wants to know more, just visit this site, it is on English...
linky: IK-3_intro
Huh. Very old and odd model of IK3. It is not accurate, plastic is crap, just too old
But it is only styrene kit on market, for now.
After entire evening spent on cleaning parts from flesh, it looks like airplane in pieces
and a pile of dust
Scriber has some work on wings... Not much
Lower sections of the wings is assembled with fuselage halves.
Next on list was putting reinforce styrene into wings.
Before that, I used my dremel as cylindrical milling machine... Plastic is too fragile to cut it with hobby knife...
Oh, yeah, styrene dust was all over me and carpet
Not too much time spent on it... Canopy is grid stile, and it will probably be closed.
Fuselage halves are glued together, reinforce is on its place.
Now the funny part... Sanding paper, putty, sanding paper, putty, sanding paper
After fixing the biggest problems, upper wing surface was fitted...
Finally big radiator was fitted, horizontal tail planes and some more details...
My work stops here for now. I will try to find some time for modelling when holidays came.
That is it all for now, not too much work left, minor gaps, few panel lines, vacu canopy and gentlemen, WE ARE READY FOR PAINTING
About that in next posts...
Keep modelling,
P.S. All comments and critics are welcomed!
How many of you heard anything about rare bird called IK-3?
It is a master project of Royal Yugoslavian air industry. Monoplane, low wing fighter. Modern for it's time.
Ik-3 looks like French M.S.406, but it was better aircraft than Morane...
I would not talking about history anymore, who wants to know more, just visit this site, it is on English...
linky: IK-3_intro
Huh. Very old and odd model of IK3. It is not accurate, plastic is crap, just too old
After entire evening spent on cleaning parts from flesh, it looks like airplane in pieces
and a pile of dust
Scriber has some work on wings... Not much
Lower sections of the wings is assembled with fuselage halves.
Next on list was putting reinforce styrene into wings.
Before that, I used my dremel as cylindrical milling machine... Plastic is too fragile to cut it with hobby knife...
Oh, yeah, styrene dust was all over me and carpet
Not too much time spent on it... Canopy is grid stile, and it will probably be closed.
Fuselage halves are glued together, reinforce is on its place.
Now the funny part... Sanding paper, putty, sanding paper, putty, sanding paper
After fixing the biggest problems, upper wing surface was fitted...
Finally big radiator was fitted, horizontal tail planes and some more details...
My work stops here for now. I will try to find some time for modelling when holidays came.
That is it all for now, not too much work left, minor gaps, few panel lines, vacu canopy and gentlemen, WE ARE READY FOR PAINTING
About that in next posts...
Keep modelling,
P.S. All comments and critics are welcomed!