Rotary Wing Aircraft

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I can hear the Flight of the Valkyrie… lol

Not going to lie. Looking back at these pics, I do kind of miss it.

You will miss it even when you are an old man.

Yeah, every time I see a Black Hawk I get a lil nostalgic. And its already been almost 20 years.

I still miss that floating hunk of scrap steel (CV-61 USS Ranger) - and its been 45 years!
And the avionics complex at MCAS El Toro (44 years).
Some more Huey's…

This one is a former Alaska Army National Guard UH-1H located at the Alaska Aviation Museum in Anchorage.

German UH-1Ds in Kosovo

I can't remember with country, but this was taking off out of Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo

USMC UH-1N and AH-1W Super Cobra in Iraq.

Gotta' love the classics.

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