Master Sergeant
Greetings ladies and gentlemen.
While making a search on Google, I accidently fell on that page :
Royal Marines slang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here are a few of my favorites :
ABC - All Been Changed
ABCBA - All Been Changed Back Again
bag off - to have sex, (usually with a woman who is too drunk to confirm it)
fart sack - sleeping bag
PIG - officer, acronym for 'Polite Intelligent Gentleman', used with heavy irony
While making a search on Google, I accidently fell on that page :
Royal Marines slang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here are a few of my favorites :
ABC - All Been Changed
ABCBA - All Been Changed Back Again
bag off - to have sex, (usually with a woman who is too drunk to confirm it)
fart sack - sleeping bag
PIG - officer, acronym for 'Polite Intelligent Gentleman', used with heavy irony