Russia and V-E Day

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Any thinking person cannot deny that Poland has suffered greatly at the hands of her neighbours. No-one should attempt to belittle or cover up the suffering they have endured. I hope that people can understand that for me at least, that is not my intention. Moreover one wrong doing or injustice is not reason to allow the law to be broken. A horse stolen so that a battle can be won, is still just a horse stolen for the owner of that horse.

Countries are not about justice, in the sense that it applies to the individual. Nations can be guilty of crimes and still be judged as being justified. The dropping of the bomb on Japan was probably a war crime in the narrowest of views, but in my view entirely justified. In the end it saved more lives than it cost.

In the case of the Russians, I cant make much sense or justify the crimes committed after the war. But whilst I don't condone , or even profess to know what it might have been like, I have to come forward and say that I can understand why the individual soldiers of the Red Army behaved that way. They had fought a most terrible war, and fought and died in their millions. Most of them did not believe they would live to see the next day. They ran amok and committed some pretty heinous crimes. Only a few were caught, or more correctly brought to justice. Those that were caught usually were punished by execution, so in a perverse way there was at least some justice. .

The allies, in the finish did sell out Poland, but an entire war was fought because of promises that had been made to that country. Britain fought and virtually destroyed itself in the name of a principal.....the sovereign right of Poland to exist. We can quibble about details and subsequent events, but that was the reason Britain went to war. Unquestionably. In the same way as it had done for Belgium in 1914.

In a perfect world, we could have restored full polish sovereignty to Poland in 1945. The west was given promises in 1945 by the Russians that free elections would be held. That never happened, and by the time this became apparent, our ability to do anything without destroying ourselves had passed.

My background is that I have a step father who fought for Germany, a grandfather who fought for the allies (WWI), and a grandfather-in law who fought for Stalin. in the various conversations I had with all of them, a few things that come clear, is that most of your actions during a war are so that you can survive. Its not about morals or the rule of law. cicero said that in war the first casualty is the law, or truth.

What we know is that Poland suffered terribly, and we could not keep all the promises that we gave. Germany invaded the country, was intent on destroying the population, they were stopped by the Soviets, but Soviet rule itself contained many injustices.
The saddest point about this anniversary is that the Russians are using it as a demonstration of their military and ideological superiority and thus as a promotion of Russia (and Russia alone) as the victors, regardless of other factors, which does twist its true meaning. They are using it to make themselves look good and to make Russians feel good about themselves. One thing about Russia is that despite being a huge country with massive resources and a powerful armed forces, it seems to have a huge inferiority complex. Always keen to prove it is tough enough and strong in competition with the 'West'; Russia uses the premise of feeling surrounded to justify its might, yet beneath it all, it feels weak and has to make up for it by 'appearing' strong and right all the time.

Unfortunately there does not exist in Russia a tradition of accuracy and truthfulness in the media, combine this with a past of forcing its citizens to comply with State wishes means that often its people are none the wiser and will readily believe what they are told by the State. Although Russians who choose not to believe everything that is force fed to them are aware of the realities, however uncomfortable, about their motherland, there is little they can do to change it in the face of state sponsored deception.

The traditional Victory day parade is about commemorating the war's end as much as a demonstration of power and promotion of Russia. It had been such since 1945.

Have you heard Putin's speech during the parade? Not forgetting the decisive role of Soviet Union, he acknowledged the contribution of all other nations in victory over the Fascism, from the resistance groups in occupied countries to the war effort of it's Allies France, Britain and USA.

and any word about Poland...
I wish the other Allies had participated . Otherwise it does look self serving just like the other various celebrations around the world. Maybe they will make amends at the 75th. or the 100th just like the celebrations for the end of WWI. There was a celebration for the end of WWI, wasn't there?
and any word about Poland...

Not sure, but think that Poland was not mentioned specifically.

I wish the other Allies had participated. Otherwise it does look self serving just like the other various celebrations around the world.

Well, they were invited but apparently decided to boycott the celebration. Last year the east-west tensions were already high, but Putin did attend the D-Day 70th anniversary celebration. I believe it was a right thing to do on his part. Obviously western leaders think otherwise.

It was not so long ago, when western troops marched alongside the Russians on the Red Square. I believe it was on the Victory Day 65th anniversary celebration in 2010. Foreign contingents included troops from USA, UK, France and Poland.


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Mister Fisher forgot to mention that apart from Chinese president,on the Victory Day celebration there were also present: prime minister of Slovakia, Czech president, Serbian president, UN General Secretary, representatives of India, etc. Agreed, not a high profile as key western players, but still people who, in my opinion, see beyond current politics and pay their respect and honor the sacrifices made to defeat the Nazism.

Alongside the Russian military, troops from former Soviet Republics, China, India and Serbia also marched on the Red Square on Saturday.
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The western Murdoch led media are just as culpable in spreading propaganda to those with susceptable brains as the Russians. While I do agree that some of Russia's current actions are certainly imperialistic and dangerous; Chechnyia, Ossetia, Georgia, Astrakhan/Aberbijain(spellings?) now Ukraine etc.

Some of in my mind is to keep what little control is left upon those more extreme and hardcore elements that exist within Russian by letting certain actions and traditions be turned a blind eye to (like Maskurovka - masked 'volunteer' fighters viewed as a form of religiously sanctioned warefare 'of the people by the people') and using these and those conflicts as a pressure valve to feed those who want to fight something or someone towards, instead of being trapped and thus against Putin, or the Russian State(s).

IMHO(the fllowing are all MO) this includes the most ironic and sickest peoples, Extremists that are both espouse both Natsism and Stalinistic extreme tendencies mixed with some contrived and twisted interpretations from selectively chosen readings from Othodoxy teachings /or by some Orthodox Clergy trying to secure income and support for their churches/themselves by dubious means.

Hilter Stalin were both extreme Socialists that were so right left they seem like cousins together, that're more inbred than any redneck/fenlander/trolls etc, are usually depicted as.
Natsism Stalinism are 5 past 12 o'clock and 5 to 12 o'clock on the political clock scale to me
Where as Liberal, not in the way the average US citizen seems to thinks a Liberal is (ignoring its one of their fundamental rights to choose/be), in UK/EU is perhaps 15 to 30 past 12 o'clock,
and most in UK EU could think that the Republicans are between 25 and 10 to 12 o'clock.
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Alongside the Russian military, troops from former Soviet Republics, China, India and Serbia also marched on the Red Square on Saturday

Yet no US, British nor French participation; Russian allies in the victory against Nazism.

Don't get me wrong, Igor; I have enormous respect for the Russians and the time I spent there was terrific, apart from the really bad food and sh!tty hotels, the Russian people I have met are, after initial reservedness, warm and friendly, but bill boards celebrating Stalin? Massed 'Soviet' style parades through Red Square and the actions of Putin's government over the last couple of years, the complete denials, cover ups and fabrications behind the loss of MH 17, the needless and pointless hostility and loss of life is totally unnecessary and uncalled for in this day and age. The big question is why? Russia has no need to feel 'threatened' by the West. If Putin does, it's a situation he has created of his own making, not only that, but his government's actions are worsening the situation for his country and his people.
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Well, victory parades are not Putin's invention. They were around for 70 years...
Does Russia have reasons to feel threatened by the west? I'm afraid it does. The actions of the world's sole superpower since the end of cold war are the proof of that. Hostility and the loss of life are of course tragic in any age. Don't want to be misunderstood here, I'm not saying I approve all Putin's actions, my point is that I understand the necessity to defend one's strategic interests in his own backyard. Isn't America doing the same or even more all around the Globe? Bottom line, my friend, let us just acknowledge that we have different view on the international developments and leave it at that.

A little nitpicking about the participants of this year's parade. As I already said, the western Allies were invited, but didn't show up. Out of those who participated, Indian troops did fight in the European theatre I believe and soldiers from all former Soviet Republics were part of the Red Army same as the Russians. As for participation of Serbia, her contribution in WW2, though as a part of Yugoslavia,was far from insignificant. Over 1.700.000 of our countrymen from all corners of Yugoslavia (but majority of them were Serbs) lost their lives in the struggle against the Fascism. In Europe this was the third largest loss of life in comparison to the country population after Poland and Soviet Union.
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I have no love for Putin but I must say I have some sympathy with the Russians position. The French and many military historians still say what a military genius Napoleon was. The Crimean war and the "Great Game" was the old empires of France and Britain forcing their will on Russia. The German invasion of Russia was a barbaric episode. Russia is heartily sick of European invasions and chicanery. In light of the past the EU conduct especially in Ukraine was irresponsible to the point of stupidity.

As others have said I believe as a Brit it was churlish of Britain not to send a representative.
While I agree with pbehn, I thik sending a representative would confuse the the past celebration of eventual victory of heinous despotism with support for the current and future acts of the Putin-ocrasy, and so we didn't stand in the way of other Commonwealth countries with military industial links to Russia attending.

I do also agree that like the Cuban Missile Crisis which was started by US Missiles being based in Turkey before then, that the EU and the US do have some poop on their boots in painting Putinocrasy into a corner - although he his Generals and their Maskirovka forces have done enough of that poop spreading themselves ingonored/missed chances to stop the escalation and make Russia more like the hero, so that now they are a fellow instigator assistant to the worsening situation.

All sides have somewhat for their own media acted in this area, albeit to generate another 'universal enemy' to foster political support for themselves, perhaps to pass unpopular goverenment measures or make themm more palatable, to extend control over those who'd risk attacking their own by directing them against something worse/acceptable etc, and with the prospect of future trade deals, and some 'in the field' R&D of military elint, e-warefare kit too.
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The problem is that today's Russia increasingly resembles Stalin's Russia. Russia (or Putin and his guys from KGB) is also hypocritical and hating their neighbors like Stalin's Russia. Russia has murdered innocent passengers MH17 flight and its own citizens (for example Mr. Niemcow and many many more). That's all. Ok, they haven't Gulags now... but how long?
Don't get me wrong, I think since Putin failed to stop the rebels following their failed attempt to down a Russian or some other Slavic owned/filled airliner, getting MH17 instead, anything but the Putinocrasies complete sealing of its own border and rounding up its civilian 'masked volunteers' trying to cross into the disputed areas will only let him//them think they can keep it going longer.

Watch... Dispatches; Chechnya, The Dirty War, Ross Kemps Gangs; Russia's Neo Nazis, and

I believe that's a simplistic and little over exaggerated view of current relations Dominik. Don't think that Putin is such a baddie as presented in some media. Also, I'm afraid that many years will pass before we learn the truth and exact circumstances behind tragic events in Ukraine like the MH17 crash, Odessa massacre, etc. If that ever happens.

However, as said before in earlier posts, the Poles have their own reasons to be distrustful towards Russia since Communist times or even before. So, I understand your viewpoint. It's a shame actually. We, the Slavs, should stick together.
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"....We, the Slavs, should stick together. "

Under Russian leadership?? ... like back in 1914? That worked out well, didn't it.

I guess the non-Slavic Estos, Balts, Hungarian Ugrics, etc. shouldn't get their hopes up, eh?
It was a VE day commemoration, my father was on the arctic convoys helping out heroic soviet brothers in arms. The people on the convoys military and civilian were heroic with few actual heroes. In most cases you got sunk and died of cold or you lived. I think for such an event present day politics could be set to one side.

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