Russian Planes

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I don't think the Pe-8 looked good at all. The Pe-2 was much better looking.
I'd say the Yak-9s were the best looking, then the Pe-2. I do like the Pe-8, I have to agree with C.C it is good looking.
its surprising that the russians could make some decent looking planes, normally i would think that they would be ugly beasts, but they all look pretty cool 8)
They're new fighters are-quoting C.C.-class! In performance as well as looks. Too bad now that they're peaceful (as far as we know), they have no funding for their great ideas and prototypes!

Russians---The Nazi engineers of today.
Russians have some very good equipment, too bad for them the government hasn't got the money to fund it. And I don't think you can compare them to the Nazi designers of World War 2, who have to one of the biggest achievers in history.

First man made item in space: V-2 rocket, designer Von Braun.

First man on the moon: sent by Saturn 5, the Apollo 11 mission, Saturn 5 design team headed by Von Braun.

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